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Ride or die
Created on 11th may 2019
By Alpha-black

"I can't fucking do this shit anymore." Alec cursed as he threw his training wheels as far as he could. Violent sobs escaped his lips as his body shook. Daniel and Kristopher gasped at his sudden outburst. 'What went wrong?'
Alec have never had this problem during his physical therapy and the doctor said he's been progressing quite remarkably so yeah 'what went wrong'

But Kristopher knew the feeling all too well. Helplessness. But this wasn't Alec. Kristopher took careful steps towards the black eyed boy while Daniel tried to get the nurse out.

"Blue?" He asked a bit hesitantly but he did feel a bit giddy too. 'Kinda miss him'

Alec tensed at the name. Of course they would think it's Blue now cause hey Alec can't cry right?

"Why would you think it's Blue? Am I not allowed to cry?" His voice coming out in low rasp.

Kristopher shook his head at the boy. "Babe look at me" Alec did as told. A little bit shyly causing the other boy to chuckle softly.

"I for one don't think Blue is week. Yes he cries, yes he wears his emotions on his sleeves but still finds the will to go through the day, that love isn't weakness and you are allowed to cry, you are allowed to breakdown, you are allowed to feel helpless and dejected and it's okay not to be strong all the time cause baby that's strength in itself but what you are not allowed to do is give up cause that's what weakness is and you love are not allowed to be that kind of weak. So here's what we are gon’ do."

He motioned for Daniel who had a loving smile on his face. "We gon’ tie each of your leg on ours and we gon’ walk with you then if it means bringing coach and the entire track and basketball team to kick your butt to your therapy, trust me love I will. Like I said, you ain't allowed to give up and bitch who's ass am I supposed to kick on track you selfish prick!"

He kicked him playfully and Alec rewarded him by dragging him into a longing kiss.

"Ugh common guys get a room but before that let's get him." He pointed to Alec "all straightened up."

Alec and Kristopher began laughing and soon enough Daniel caught up to the joke and joined.

"Cuse’ your horrible pun brother, even my legs refuse to be straight." He said and winked at Kristopher right before he smacked him.

"Hey!!....... "


"Let's put this little disrespect between you two to rest now, shall we?" Coach said with a big grin.

Alec and Kristopher nodded. Kristopher kissed his palm and closed his hands like he caught it and made his hand like he was gon’ throw the invincible kiss to Alec. As Alec was ready to receive he throw it away and pushed his butt forward and dusted the kissed hand on it sending Alec a wink.

Alec rolled his eyes yet a smile can be seen on his face as he mouthed  ‘so extra’ to Kristopher.

They both got on their marks and took off when coach whistled.

They began to race and like old times, the crowd of students went wild even if it's not an actual competition and like old times they became one on the track, each going with the wind feeling as free and grateful as ever, unburdening all the baggage of the last few months from their shoulders. They felt free and alive like the wind was taking all the pains along with it as their feet swiftly passed through the ground. They felt stronger as their bond became thicker. They gazed into each other's eyes and like old times, their thoughts were in sync as the got to the finish line together.

Both boys couldn't help but smile at the end game. They were together and that was all that matters.


“hey umm so babe I need to talk to you” Jesse's heart skipped. Is he going to breakup with her?, she became a bit restless but tries not to show it so she bit out the nervous laugh.

"Sure go ahead" She forced out a smile.

Bennett sat up, his Whole body filling with dread. "I need to leave babe and I might not come back anytime soon"

"So I was right" She shook her head, she's not hearing right, right?

"Babe I swear I need to, if I could ill take you with me but we both know you won't come with" Jesse nodded.

Bennett stood up from his room couch and walked the little distance toward the bed and swatted between her legs, and held her hands in his. They stayed like that for awhile before Jesse felt wet drops on her hands.

She didn't know what to do, she had so many questions. Why is he leaving? Why does he keep being vague? Why is it so hard? Can she really go with him? What's hurting him?  And most importantly how can she ease his pain.

So she did the only thing she could. She pushed all the questions and the sharp pain that's threatening to take over her body by the news and brought their joined hands up and kissed his.

She freed one of her hands, using it to wipe the tears on his face before joining him on the floor. They positioned themselves in a comfortable position, with Bennett sitting legs apart and Jesse sitting in between, resting her head on his shoulders and his hands wrapped safely around her.

Only then did she allow herself to breakdown.


Gee I finally updated... I wrote this awhile back but needed to add the last part lol... I'm sorry I've not been as active anymore but hope i will be soon

Hope y'all are ok 👌 thank you for reading, I really appreciate.

The_Human_Void y'all should give his book a read, you won't be disappointed

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