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Ride or die
Chapter twenty-two
Created on 1st may
By Alpha-black


They watched through the glass hospital walls as the doctors were trying to keep Alec alive. Jesse was holding tightly to Daniel with panic filled eyes.

Kristopher was tense. His eyes we're already blurry, he couldn't- he wouldn't loose another person he cares about. His eyes met Daniels and just for a moment he wondered how he was fairing and the guilt immediately struck cause even for a moment, non of them asked him how he was holding up or dealing cause all of them have been so caught up in their pain to realize he needs comfort too.

The sound of the door opening brought Kristopher out of his haze. They all sighed in relief by the newfound information. Alec is alright and out of coma but just sedated for the moment.

Without warning Kristopher turned and buried himself in the arms of the older brother.

"I'm sorry we've all been so insensitive." And not a second later Jesse and Bennett joined in the group hug and Daniel couldn't contain the little watery drops from falling.

"It's okay, everything's fine."


"Ugh I feel so horrible and my mouth tastes like shit." Alec groaned. Kristopher couldn't believe his ears, after a month of being in a coma. 'Some things never change.'

"And you smell awful too, add that to the list you fucking piece of shit." His voice didn't hold any malice but the sadness was there. Alec's injuries weren't that severe. Nothing was broken except for that nasty hit he took to his head.

They fell silent afterwards, just staring into each other's eyes and then Kristopher was leaning down and capturing Alec's lips into a fierce kiss with Alec returning with the same fervor. They pulled apart for air, Kristopher chuckled, Alec returned the expression with a smile. 'Who thought lying down on a hospital bed for lawd knows how long can make one fucking tired' Alec thought.

"That was so fucking gross" Alec managed to grin at his boyfriend before he felt a peck on his lips and a light punch on his forearm.

"You fucking! retarded! Bi- st- ughh motherfucker!" Kristopher settled for lack of a better word. "You nearly died, what we're you thinking that got you panicking like that huh? I swear to g-"

Kristopher stopped his rant at the smile on Alec's face. Alec thought it was cute how flustered his boyfriend looks. Just then Daniel, Jesse and Bennett entered the hospital room.

Jesse had a very big smile on her face, as she cornered Alec in a bone crushing hug while Daniel had a relived smile on his face. Bennett stood by the door looking calm as usual but Daniel and Kristopher could feel the tension coming off his body.

"Your breathe sinks" Both Daniel and Jesse chorus at once. They all bursted out laughing.

"Hey I thought you are my twin not his." Alec whined. Kristopher mouthed "I love you" And he returned it back with the same happy smile on his face he turned his attention back to his siblings. Kristopher and Bennett stood with matching smiles on their faces as they watched the siblings interact.

Alec gave them all a big scare when his heart stopped beating for two seconds but he pulled through and all of a sudden, nothing seems scary anymore.

For them at least, Bennett was already dreading a certain 'must have' conversation.


"Oh baby! I'm so so sorry I made you go through that. Fuck I'm sorry. If I had been paying attention that night, if I hadn't been so sucked up in my mind, if -" Kristopher placed a finger on Alec's lips to cut off his apology.

"Shhh it's okay." Kristopher whispered in a soft voice. "I don't blame you and you shouldn't blame yourself. I almost lost you too and that would have ripped me apart. I wouldn't have been able to recover from that okay."

Kristopher could feel himself tear up. How could he tell his clearly turn up lover that he did blame him at one time but came to realize that it wasn't okay when it wasn't actually his fault?

"I love her and I love you. I'm far from okay right now but as long as I have you, I know I'm gonna be fine."

Alec didn't know what to say mainly cause he had a lot of things to say so instead, he shifted a bit on the slightly big hospital bed. Kristopher got the cue and laid down beside him.

It was the second day of Alec being conscious and Kristopher told him everything, not to make him feel bad but because he deserves to know. Kristopher knows Alec would find out sooner or later and hates to see where that goes so he went for the better option. No secret.

"The moment I get all healed up, I'm gonna fucking beat you in a race. It's bout time I show you who the boss is."

Kristopher grinned and smuggled closer to the injured boy. "Well let's see you try and grow some balls puss."

Alec's laughter rang through the room and it was nothing short of a melodic sound.


"I've only seen you smoke when you're stressed. So what's up?" Daniel looked up to see his secretary Cindy staring at him.

He thought of telling her to fuck off and mind her business but thought better of it. He already feels awful about what he has in mind but he needs a distraction from 'this fucking loneliness'

"What to get out of here?" Her frown turned into a grin as she nodded rather enthusiastic. She has been trying for a year now to get him into bed with her with no success and now it feels like she's just won a fucking lottery.

Daniel stood up, throws the smoke in the ash tray, rolled up his sleeves and took his car keys and muttering something about. 'These fucking walls."


Hahah Alec is ALIVE!! Common guys y'all know he can't die😉

Well well this chapter isn't to my satisfaction but I'm exhausted 😭 well what do you think of Cindy? Do you think she's important in the future chapters? What about Bennett? What do you think he's anxious about?

Thank you for reading loves.❤

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