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Arnav just rushed towards the Doctor  as soon as  He reached the Hospital after getting  the News of  Khushi’s accident
Arnav  :  Doctor ..  Khushi ..  Khushi  Singh    Raizada  ..    My  Wife  ..  How  is  she  ? 
Doctor just looked at  Arnav for few seconds before He just let out a sigh  and said
Doctor  :  Your wife  have  suffered from Major blood  loss  ..for  which  We  have  to  Operate her immediately  ..  She  is  out  of  danger  now  but  .. 
  Arnav  :  but  ?  But  what  ?
  Doctor :  But  ..   We are unable to save  your Baby  ...She  gave birth to  a  daughter  but  unfortunately  ..  it’s  dead  .. 
  Arnav steps  back hearing  Doctor’s statement .. 
His  baby ..  Their  Baby  is  dead  ..  she is  no  More  ...  Aman  placed a  Comforting  palm on  arnav’s  shoulder who just  didn’t react at all  but just shrugged away  his hand walk  out  ..
Khushi opened her  eyes feeling a sharp pain  on  her  head  ..  She  remembers nothing  except   a  car hitting  her  while  she  was coming back from  Temple ...   Her  hands  instantly   travelled down towards her  flat  tummy  ..while  her  eyes went  wide  .. 
  Khushi  :   where  is my   baby    ?  (  she  whispered looking around  her .. but the  cradle  is  empty ) Where  is  My  baby    ?  (  she  asked  to  the  Nurse  who  lowers down  her  eyes  )  Why  you  are  not  saying  me  anything  I  asked  where  is  my  baby ..    Bring my baby to me  .. I  want  to  see  ...    ( she  shouted  before  the family  members rushed inside  the  ward  hearing her  voice) 
  Buaji :  Khushi  ..(  she  said  with  her  voice  weakening ..  she may not be  happy with her marriage  with  Arnav  but  being the  elder  to  her she can never  any  bad for  her .. why would  she  ?  after  all  she  is  also  her brother’s  daughter  ..  and hearing the news  about  Khushi’s miscarriage  ..  she cannot stop  herself coming here to  visit   her .. )  Khushi  calm down bachha  (  she  said  trying to console  Khushi  who seems  to   get aggressive ) You need some  rest ..  you  are  not  fine
  Khushi :  I  am  fine  .. Buaji  ...  Please  .. ask  them  to  show  me  my  baby ..I  want  to see  ... (  the  nurse  looked  at  Khushi  once before lowering her  eyes and said) 
Nurse:  I  am  sorry    Mam  ...    you  are  weak  need  to  rest  .. 
  Khushi  :  ( angrily)  Why  are  you  saying  me  SORRY  ..    Buaji  why  she  is  saying  me Sorry  ..  Why  No  one  is telling me about my baby  ? boliye  ?  Where  you  have  keep  my  baby  ..  ANSWER  ME ..  (  she shouts  at the  top  of  her  voice  getting  hyper before  Arnav  rushed inside  the  room  along  with  Aman ) 
Arnav :  Khushi  .. 
  Khushi  :  Thakur  Sahib ..( she whispered looking  at  Arnav  while  her  heart  gripped in fear seeing  Arnav’s  state)  Thakur sahib  ...  dekhiye  ..  they  are  not  saying me anything  .. you  know nah  about  our  baby   ?  kaha hai  ?  boliye  nah    ?  you  have  seen  nah     ?  batau  nah  ...  It’s  a  girl  nah  ?  (  she said  looking  at  her  husband while  holding his  hand who  just  gulped not able  to  meet  his  eyes  .. )  aap  ...  why  you  are  not  saying me anything  ..   why  everyone of you  is  silent  ..Aman  ji  ...Akki  ...  Buaji  .. aplog  kuch  toh  boliye  ...  Arnav  ji  ... (  she  looked  at  everyone  and  their  looks  really scared her ,  Buaji suppressed her sobs by  placing her pallu over her mouth as  lavanya  placed a comforting  palm on her shoulder with her own eyes welled up with tears ) thik  hai  ...  nahi bologe ..nah ..  fine  ..  I  will  myself  find  it out   ( she  said as she  tried to walk down  of  the bed  only being stopped by  Arnav ..  )
  Arnav :  khushi  ...  (  He tried to hold her but she seems  not listening to anyone  or  anything which makes arnav  jerks her back  roughly)  nahi  ..  hai  ..  humara  Bachha  ..  She  is  Dead ..  she  is  no  more  you  hear  me  .....  THERE  IS  NO BABY  any more  ...  (  He  shouts making Khushi’s  eyes  opened wide before  Arnav felt  his  cheeks burning  with a  slap  )  Khushi 
  Khushi :  Do  you  realize  what  you  are  saying  ?   and  about whom you  are  saying  ?  you  are bad mouthing  your  own baby ..Your  own  blood  .  How  can  you  say  Thakur  Sahib ..Our  baby is dead  ..  that  is  Lie  ..  I  have heard  her  cries  ..  I  have  heard  her  cries  ..  she  is  alive  .  stop   it ..if  you  are  playing  any  pranks  ..Please 
Arnav :  ( sigh )  Wish  what  you  are saying is  true  ..but  Khushi  We have lost it  ..  ( He said  gulping as  khushi clutched his  shirt ) 
Khushi  :  NO  ....  No  . it cannot be true  ... I know this not the truth  ..You  were not there Thakur Sahib when  I  was been taken to Operation theatre ..I  have  heard  her cries  ..I  have  heard the  doctors  saying  me having a  girl  .. 
  Arnav :  listen ..  Listen (  he cups her face)  It was a girl  .. but it’s no More  ... 
Khushi: NAHI ...  you are lying  ...  you all are lying ..  my  baby  ....  my  baby ..I  want my baby  ...  I  want my baby  ..  Arnav Singh  Raizada tell  me  where you have hidden my baby  ...  (  She cried  out  clutching his  shirt  ) You  claimed to  write  your own destiny  ?  then  ?  Where  is  My  baby  ?  how  can  you say  her  dead ..when  she is ALIVE .. I want my baby back  .. Arnav  ..  I  want it  at any cost  ...  Do  you get it ARNAV ..  Do you get it    ? If you didn’t  bring  my  baby back to my  lap  ..I  ..  I    ( she looked  around like a  maniac   before She picks a scissor from  aside  )  I  will  kill myself ..  I  swear  on  my dead parents  I  will kill myself  if  you  didn’t bring my baby back to me ..   You can do  anything  with  your  Power  and Money ..Bring my baby back ..they are lying .. They  are  lying!!   ( she shouited  pointing  the scissor  toward  stomach making Arnav horrified as other’s gasped  before  Khushi  could  do anything further Arnav snatched it away  and slapped her  hard  ...)
  Arnav :  ENOUGH  Khushi  ..  It’s  not  you  only  who lost  the  child  ..  but 
The  doctor  came  there running  gesturing arnav to move aside  as he injected some sedative to  her  to sooth down her nerves 
  Arnav  sighed looking  at  Khushi’s condition  ..  within the  span of few  hours  ..  Things  changes so  drastically  in  their  life ..Their baby who  was  with  them  till  yesterday  is  no  more  ...    Khushi  ...  the  girl  who  seems to be  strong at  every  phase  ..  He  have  hardly seen like this  before today ..  It’s  heart wrenching to  see her like  this ...
  Why  whenever  He  thought  that  now ,  everything is  getting  fine in his  life..  Life becomes  more  worse   for  him
Why  dammit!!    This  Child  was  successfully  bringing  him and khushi close  ..They have just started understanding each other and  now  ..
   He  just  sighed walking out  of  the  ward  not able  to  stay there  seeing the state of his  wife  .. 
Arnav composed himself  as  he felt  a comforting palm on his  shoulder ..  Letting a  deep  sigh He  looked at  Akki
Akki :  Bhai are  you  okay  ?  ( Arnav just nodded his  head ) You  don’t seems  ok  to  me   ? 
Arnav :  I  am  fine  Akki  ...  You  are  still here  should  go back to  Hostel .. It’s already late  ..
Akki : Bhai .. I can understand what you are going through at this  moment  ..It’s must be really painful for you at this moment .
Arnav closed his eyes trying to compose himself before he opened his  eyes and looked at him .. 
Akki : I  have  hardly seen you  this  broken  .. Take care of yourself   Bhai  ... 
Arnav :  I said nah Akki  I am fine  ..  ( he said  with little  shout but soon  he calm his  tone)  I am  sorry ...  I  sounds  rude to  you  ... 
  Akki  : It’s alright bhai  ..  ( arnav sighed and  walked away while Akki keeps on staring at his  disappearing  back)
Aman :  You  think  Khushi  would be hallucinating at this extent ? 
  Arnav ;( looks  at him)  What  do  you  mean  ?  aman ..  khushi  is  not  in a state  of  think straight  ... Why  are  you counting her words  .. She  herself is  not aware about what she is  saying  ... 
  Aman : I agree  but still .. I am feeling something fishy here ..  I agree  Khushi’s state was critical for which  they have to operate ..I don’t think  Khushi  Bhabhi  was so  sinking  that  they cannot  wait for us  to arrive ..  secondly  they  didn’t even shown  us the  body  .. 
Arnav  :  Do  you  know  what you are talking  about  ?  we  were not there  with her  ..  Doctors  did  what  they  thought  right  about  ..   First  time ..  I  feel  myself  as  a looser   .. A  fucking  Looser  .. I  never  thought a  Baby  whom  has never  even arrive  in  our  life  could  have  leave  so  much of impact  on me  ...
Arnav sighed  as He  leans  against his  car  with  as  a lone drop of  tear escape his  eyes  ..  aman sighed as  he placed a comforting palm on his shoulder He  have hardly seen his  Friend this  much  broken  ..  or shedding  tears  after  that fateful day  when  he  has  find  his  Mother  leaving  him  and his  family  ..  
Aman  sighed  before arnav  scrunched his  eyes as  hi s eyes fell  on some activity  at the  backwards  of hospital  gate ..
  A  ward  boy  looks  around surroundings before  he move toward  the  backside  exit  ...   and  there  was something  He was  holding  in  his  lap ..  which was covered in a white sheet  ..and  they  could  hear  some  Wail  of  a baby  ...
Seems  He was very  cautious  if  someone caught  him  that would cause danger  ...  Aman also followed  his  gaze  ...
Arnav ;  What’s  happening over  there ?  What  He  is  hiding  ?
Aman : are you  thinking  what  I  am  thinking  ASR .. 
  Arnav  :  I don’t know  ..   (  without  wasting  even a Second  Arnav  run  behind  the  ward boy with aman following  him  ) Hey   You  Wait  over  there  ... 
  The  ward Boy  get  alerted  and   speeded up  his  pace ..running  faster  ..    But  Before he could  flee  away ..Aman  caught him from  other side ...  trapping  him  Arnav got  the  caught  of his collar 
  Aman : what’s  so hurry  ? 
Arnav  :  Where  are  you  going  and  ?  (  his  eyes fell  on  the  baby in his  lap who is crying loudly )  baby  .. ( He Snatched  the baby from  his  lap as  he  looked  at  the  little  baby who  instantly stops crying  going  in  his lap as  he  snuggles  into his warmth  as she knows him since ages  ) 
Aman :  She  seems to be   few hours  old ..and 
Arnav  :  and Khushi also  delivers few hours  back  .. that  means  she  was not  lying  ...  It’s  ..
Aman :  that  this   man can answer  better  ..    (  He said  clutching his collar  ) Tell   me  ..    Whose baby  is  this  ... Let Me  call the police   
Ward Boy:  I  don’t  know  ..anything   ..i am doing  about what  doctor Mehra  asked   me  ...  Please  don’t call the  Police 
  Arnav : bring this  scoundrel inside ..The  doctors over here should  know  about what they call for themselves
Arnav  just  barged  inside  the doctor  cabin  as  he pulled the doctor  by his collar  and slapped  him  tightly 
  Arnav  :    do  you  know who  am  I  ?  Arnav Singh  Raizada ..  and  you try to  play nasty  with me 
  Doctor:   MR  Raizada are behaving unethical  ...
Arnav :  Am I  ?  let  the  Police  come  they  will  show you  your  ethics  ..   Where  is  my  daughter ..  I want  my  daughter’s  body..  and  I  just find  your  ward boy  escaping from  the  hospital backside door  with  a baby  ..  who isa  hardly  few hours  old as same as  of  my  daughter’s age ..  and  as  I  have  check it  out  ..  there  was  no one except  my  wife who delivers  today  ...   will you  explain 
  The  Doctor  gulp looking  at  Aman who enters with the ward boy  .and the baby  was  in his other’s  arms  
Doctor:  I .. I  ..
Arnav  : Call  the  POLICE  AMAN  ..  and  I need  this  Hospital  sued right  away  .. 
Doctor:  Mr  Raizada  ... 
Arnav :  Tell  me  ..  Who  have  asked  you  to  do this  ...   Tell  Me.. 
  The  doctor  gulped  before stammering  as  he  pushed Arnav and  ran  away   opening the  Door  before  the  police  caught  him
Arnav  sighed glancing  at  the  DNA  reports which  confirmed  his  doubts  .  before  he  looked  at  Khushi  who  was  now sitting on  the  bed  holding  their little  daughter tightly  on  her lap ..snuggling   her close to her chest  while the little  one  seems  to  be in deep slumber being in  his  mother’s  embrace  ...
Khushi  :  I  told  you  ..  our  daughter  is  ALIVE..
Arnav  ;  Khushi  ...  you need  rest  ..  I  have  brought  you  from hospital does not  mean  you  both  are  fine  and  cure it’s that  I  don’t want  to  risk  by  keeping you both  there 
  Khushi  :  thakur Sahib !!   ( she  gulps  as  arnav sighed sitting beside her he gesture the nurse to  leave  )  Why  do  those Doctors  do  such  things  with  us 
Arnav  : It’s  the  Police’s  thing  to  find  out  ..  Relax now
Akki  throws  away the Phone  as  tension started  forming  inside  his system before  He  looks  at  Lavanya  barging inside   the  room
  Lavanya :  you  planned  all  those  things  right  Akki  ?  It  was  you  who  planned  and  plotted  all  the  things  right  from  Khushi’s accident  .
Akki  :  will  you just  shut  up  LAV  .. 
  Lavanya  :  why  should  I  ?  Till Now  I supported  you  but  this  time  you  have  gone this  extent  ..  You  claim  to  love  Khushi  and  you  planned her accident  and  then  You try  to  misplace  ASR’s  baby  ...
Akki  :  You  are getting sentimental over here  lavanya  ..  what  I  did  I  have  no regret  on  it  ..why  should  I ?   He  should  also know  how it feels to be deprived from your own people  ...    I  was been  living in  the  hues of  lie  dreaming  being  the  ever happy family  ..but  the  truth is that  it’s all  fade  ...  since  childhood  he  has  faked  everything to me  ..  He  told  our Mother  was  dead when  the truth is  ..  She  is  ALIVE  .. He  enjoyed  all  the  privilege  of  being  the  THAKUR   ..  and  I  was  been   kept away  from all the  inherits  when  we both  equally hold the  right  ..  I  was  been  kind enough LAVANYA ..  Not anymore  IF  I  cannot  get  peace  I won’t  let anyone be  at  peace  wether it  be  my so called  elder  brother  I  don’t  care  ..  since  childhood  I  never ever  get  my  mother’s  warmth  ..  my  parental  love  then  why  would  let  his  baby  to  get  something  which  I  miss  because  of  her dear  father  ...  NO  ..
  To be contd

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