
The letter left a smile on my face as I put it aside and opened the tray lid to find cut fruits and coffee, making the smile immediately change into a frown. Ew, I hated coffee. I loved hot chocolate or tea. Remind me to put salt instead of sugar in Manik's food from tomorrow please.

But still, I completed my morning chores and ate the fruits and drank the coffee. Atleast it was cold coffee. I couldn't stand the aroma of hot coffee, I don't know why, it always made me puke.

I had just washed the dishes when the doorbell rang.

It was just twelve pm. Manik?

Fixing my hair into a bun, I went to open the door, to find Manik's mom instead of him. I stared at her, surprised.

"Would you not invite me inside?" She asked me after a minute and my bubble broke. I nodded, smiling shyly as I murmured an apology and gave her way.

"You have a beautiful apartment, Nandini," she smiled as she sat on the couch looking around and I smiled back proudly, bringing her water and cookies.

"Thank you," I smiled sitting beside her.

"I can't see Manik around?"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Malhotra, Manik isn't Home," I informed her, offering her what I had got and she nodded.

"Oh that's fine, I had come for you anyways," she smiled politely and I kept staring at her before gaining the power to speak up, "for me?"

"Hmm," she nodded, keeping a hand on mine. Her hand had the same warmth and gentleness that Manik's had, even though she wasn't his biological mother. Guess it's a thing of the Malhotra's.

"I heard what happened with you last night," she whispered, "I wouldn't say I'm sorry, 'cause that's just unfair. Are you alright, darling?"
She asked.

I nodded, unable to stop my smile from reaching its fullest, "I am, thank you."

"But, if you don't mind me asking, I-- how did you get to know about this?"

"Kids told me," she said, but understanding my confused expression, "Manik's friends...," she corrected, "they came in the morning to tell me about this and ask for a leave for you."

Leave for me?

"Nandini," she said staunchly, "tell me you knew I am the trustee of your college."

I opened my mouth flagbustered. "I-- you-- what?-- trustee-- I'm so sorry ma'am... I--.." I stammered and she laughed, "That's alright.
Manik usually doesn't like boasting my position off."

"I wanted to bring you something, you know, as they call it a get well soon gift. But I realised, you don't need to get well soon. It is that man who needs to get well soon from his dirty mental disease. Nothing's wrong with you, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, okay?" She asked and I nodded, slight tears gazing my eyes.

It was hard to think that she was not Manik's real mom. They were so alike in so many ways, from the touch of their hand to the deep talks.

She knew exactly what was wrong with the world. Often, when something like this happened, the girl is blamed. I don't know why, I don't know how. How is it a girl's fault that she gets molested? Why is it that she is the one who is treated differently? Why does society somehow find a way to point their fingers at the girl? Why is she the victim?

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