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Kong's POV

I blinked unconsciously as the muted rays of the sun came pouring through the partially uncovered window, bathing the room in its warm glow. And the first thing my droopy eyes saw was the naked back of my husband sleeping but a few inches away from me. The same sight that I have woken up to for nearly two years now. So I proceeded with my morning routine just like I had after the first night we had ever shared our bed together.

It basically always started with me scooting as close to him as possible, snaking an arm around his waist mindful of not waking him just yet. A quick peck on the side of his neck while I inhaled his musky scent, my lips lightly trailing downward until I reached the crook of his shoulder.

By the time I generally began making a well traversed path down his spine he was typically either grumpily squatting me away for waking him earlier than he wished or if in the rare mornings where he was matching my levels of horniness would swiftly turn around demanding I pay a lot more attention to other areas of his body.

Today, though, when I felt him turning towards my way I neither felt the soft flick on my forehead indicating it was time to stop, neither did I hear his sensual moans. Instead I felt his fingers slide through the strands of my hair, forcing my head upwards to meet his in a passionate kiss. Surprising, but definitely very welcome. It wasn't until we had lazily explored each other's mouths as thoroughly as we could did we finally part, his eyes shining brightly, a sweet smile dancing around his lips.

"Good morning."

That, it definitely was.

"Happy anniversary love. I have something for you."

"I thought we agreed no gifts."

"I know. But this one is special."

I reached over to the drawer and brought out a folder, placing it gingerly over his exposed chest. Waiting eagerly to observe even the tiniest of his expressions. The smile that was playing around the corner of the lips suddenly disappearing as a distinct frown replaced it. And just as his mouth was about to open to launch into a volley of questions, I plopped a tiny velvet box right on top of it. I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw his brows shot up in surprise.

"Ummm, Kong..."

"Yes, Arthit?"

"Let me get this right cause I feel I may be hallucinating. Are you giving me divorce papers on our anniversary?"

"No. I mean yes. But more importantly I am asking you to marry me. Which we can't do until we get a divorce."

"You do realize we are married already right? For three years now. Hence the anniversary remember?"

"I know. But I want a do over."

"Do over?"

"Yes. A do over. Now that the stupid contract is finally done I want to do it right this time. No contract. No pre-nup. No conditions. I want to marry you for real this time around. I want the best wedding in the world that is just for you and me and not for anyone else's sake. I want a proper honeymoon. And a first anniversary that we celebrate. And then a second one. And then a third that wasn't caused just because of some idiotic will. So what do you say? Will you marry me? Again?"

He laughed out loud at my declaration, my ridiculous proposal obviously amusing him first thing in the morning, nonetheless he reached forward and placed a quick kiss on my lips before he scrambled around his side of the table for a few moments. Grabbing a wayward pen and signing off the papers before holding it out for both of us to see two signatures neatly sealing away the end of our three year contract.

"Happy divorce day, I guess? So how should we celebrate?"

I returned his wide grin as I picked up the box and flicked it open. Removing the two gold bands I placed one on my finger as I raised his left hand in mine. Pushing him slightly so that he was laying on his back once again I moved my body to straddle him as I slipped out the ring he had been wearing for the three years and replaced it with the one that would hopefully signify the rest of our lives together. I placed a soft kiss against it. Once, twice, thrice, before I bent over my finance to claim his mouth once again.

"I am sure we can think of something."

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