Chapter 8/8

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Arthit's POV

I could almost see it in slow motion as she looked at me with wide eyes, my own reflection glistening brightly in her pupils, her body moving closer to mine every passing second. Her eyelids fluttering shut, her lips puckering with clear indication of her intent while she moved into my personal space. If I wasn't so struck with utter shock at her sudden boldness I would have dodged her uncharacteristic maneuver a lot sooner. But I didn't and before I could even blink I was tasting bitter cherry flavor against my lips.

"What the hell Kat?!?"

I shoved her shoulders back, as far away from me as quickly as I could manage, while I began furiously rubbing my shirt sleeve over my mouth.

"Oh! I thou.. thought ... that you..."

"You thought that I what? Are you out of your mind? What if someone saw us and got the wrong idea? What if Kong saw? Why would you even do something like that?"

"Cause it makes a brilliant photo for the cover page of a sleazy tabloid."

And I swear it felt like my soul had suddenly jumped out of my very body when instead of the teary voice of Kat, I heard a rather husky growl from right behind. I swung around to find the owner of the familiar voice looking distinctly like a dark cloud of gloom was permanently settled over his head. The scowl on his face, bitterness of his expressions more than enough to curdle milk. His gaze shooting daggers at me. To say I was actively shaking in my boots at seeing him unexpectedly while I was standing less than 2 feet away from Kat was a massive understatement.


"Yeah. Me. You know, your husband."

I wanted to look away, I tried to, desperately. But his piercing stare had me pinned to my spot. My tongue felt like a lead block in my mouth while I should have been launching into a volley of explanations about what was going on.

"Kong, listen, it isn't what you think."

Finally releasing me from his paralyzing stare he turned his gaze towards Kat as he sneered at her.

"It isn't?"

"No. No. We were just...I was just...You see Kat had..."


Snatching my attention away for a second with her loud exclamation right by my ear, Kat clasped her hand tightly around my wrist.

"This is between you and me. I don't think we should involve other people."

But before I could even comment at her frankly absurd statement, I saw Kong walk up to us and peel off her fingers one by one from my wrist while he clasped it once again with his large warm hand, looking straight into my eyes before continuing.

"She is right. We should really not involve other people in our personal business. Come, we are going home now."

I clearly had two options before me as Kong was tugging me towards the exit while Kat was about to reach out and halt my steps. Turns out it wasn't really much of a competition as I continued stumbling behind Kong, a lot more interested in salvaging my failing marriage no matter how fake it was.

What was definitely not going to be fake though was the ginormous fight that was looming right ahead of us. The pulsing nerve constantly ticking on Kong's forehead not at all boding well for me. Infact the entire tensed drive home his clenched jaw made it rather difficult for me to find a reasonable opening to begin launching into my version of the story. And apparently Kong wasn't really in mood for conversation either cause he had kept his mouth very firmly shut even though it was more than clear he had one too many things he wanted to say.

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