Chapter 6/8

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Arthit's POV

Our lips with fused together, my hands buried deep within his lush locks, his running wild under my t-shirt against my naked ribs, when our eyes finally locked.

And for just a moment everything went silent. Our actions, our movement, even our heartbeats stilled at the sudden realization of our interwoven bodies. After an entire year of being married, the very first time we had ever taken any steps towards intimacy.

Was it real? Or was it all a dream?

And before I had the ability to fully formulate the answer to that question I felt his fingertips digging into the skin of my sides, his ragged breathing snatching me out of my daze as his lids fluttered shut once more. His mouth languidly beginning to move over mine. An involuntary shiver running down the length of my body as his hands began exploring my naked chest again.

For just a moment we forgot none of it was supposed to be real. That we were living in a world of make believe. Our marriage, our relationship was nothing more than a sham. And yet not for a split second did we stop to question how tightly we were pressed against each other. The thin fabric of our pajamas only making the friction against our erections that much more erotic.

One of his hands trailing down the length of my sides, his fingers grazing against my hips before squeezing the flesh urgently. My body responding involuntarily as I arched it upwards, desperate to feel his every inch against me. The front of my pants distinctly wet with a layer of glistening pre-cum that I wasn't entire sure who it belonged to.

Just as he left my breathless lips to trace a scorching path down the nape of my neck, his teeth sucking, biting every inch of my overheating skin, his hand having deftly pushed my t-shirt to expose my body as much as possible, his knees impatiently pushing my legs apart as he began rhythmically moving over me. Every tug, every rub of his hardened length against mine extracting another pleasured moan.

The argument that we weren't fully aware of our actions completely thrown out the window as he raised his head for one brief moment to look down straight into my eyes. Part uncertainty, part lust dripping through his expressions. Waiting only a heartbeat for me to raise any objections that frankly even my rational brain would have trouble coming up with, before he pressed a rough closed mouthed kiss against my lips and then began shamelessly devouring my nipples. His teeth tugging at the sensitive nubs relentlessly while his fingers attempted to push down my pants. My hips automatically raising to allow him to take any and all liberties he chose with my body.

His fingers had barely begun to flirt with my exposed hip bones, teasing the hem of my pants just above my straining erection, his tongue sliding down the center of my chest, down towards my navel. Just about to reach its most coveted destination when we heard a loud crash outside the bedroom door. Just like the one we have heard every single morning. Kong's irritating relatives making their presence known in the most inopportune time there could ever exist.

Both of us immediately halting our actions as we silently heard the not so hushed whispers outside our door. Kong still very much crouched over my hips as he dropped his head down against his stomach in exasperation. I couldn't help but chuckle at his string of curses that I am not sure I had even heard before.

"I guess our morning alarm is here."

And after a good few minutes when Kong had still made no effort to move off me I tentatively ran my fingers through his hair, softly patting the back of his head. Briefly forgetting what our relation was supposed to be. His frustrated grunt reverberating through the walls as he pushed himself up, his body still looming over me, his searing gaze burning holes through my very soul. His emotions pouring through his eyes demanding answers to questions I had never even thought about.

Caught me off guard [Complete]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant