Chapter 3/8

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Kong's POV

Aim dropped the large brown folder on the desk in front of me. And I swear if I had the power to shoot lasers from my eyes I would have scorched that blasted folder into smithereens.

"You need to have a serious talk with your husband."

I sucked in a deep breath before I reached forward to pick it up and poured out the contents of the folder on the desk. Immediately an invisible knife plunging right through my heart as I stared at the grainy pictures of my husband smiling a little too happily as he sat in a cozy looking café across his runaway ex.

In the past month this was the fifth folder that had made its way to my table. Every single one of them breaking my heart in a way I didn't think would ever be possible.

Arthit has been secretly meeting with his ex-fiancé. More than once.

And if some piece of shit tabloid hadn't tried to blackmail me with those creepy pictures I would have never even found out. As innocent as sitting in a public café and just talking sounded in theory, I was more than aware what having these images splashed across front pages just a year after their disastrous wedding day was going to do to all of our reputations.

"Are they....are know..."

"Sleeping together? I doubt it otherwise I am sure these wouldn't be the only pictures they would be selling. I can have someone tail Arthit if you want to know for sure."

"No! No. I don't want to...know."

"Seriously? You don't want to know if your husband is cheating on you?"

"That's not what I meant."

"Then what does this bloody hell mean? I still can't believe you married a man you barely know. What else did you expect? Ofcourse he was going to cheat on you."

"He is not cheating on me."

"How can you be sure?"

Of course I was sure. We had no relationship for him to cheat on in the first place. Yet it still hurt. So bloody much. Even if it was nothing more than a meal they were sharing. She was the woman he had wanted to originally marry. She was the woman he had almost married. And even after she had royally ditched him in the most embarrassing way possible, in the thirteen months that we were married not once had he even mentioned her. Not to bitch or whine or complain. Never a word of good or bad. It was like that relationship didn't exist at all where I was concerned.

Now he was back to meeting with her. And from the looks of it he was rather enjoying his secret rendezvous.

Aim was correct. I need to talk to Arthit. Not that I had any right to tell him who he could or could not meet. Nothing in our contract even remotely mentioned anything about romantic involvement outside of our fake marriage. If he decided he wanted to reconnect with his ex who was I to stop him. All I could do was warn him to make his activities more discreet.

Atleast that was the plan as I made my way home that night. The tongue in my mouth feeling uncharacteristically heavy as I watched his back walking around our kitchen. Just like he did every single night. Like he belonged there. In my house. Just the two of us. How could I bring a third person into our relationship. However nebulous it was. And yet I knew I had to. We needed to talk about it. No matter how much I hated it.

I cleared my throat as I attempted the hardest conversation of my life.


He turned around giving me the brightest of his smiles. His dimples doing things to my stomach that shouldn't be fair.

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