Chapter 7/8

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Kong's POV

"Aim can you tell me once again why this cannot wait till tomorrow? We have been at this for hours now and none of this seems like it's about to take down the company."

"When did you start wanting to stop working when there were tons of things still left to finish."

"Since I just got back from a week long headache with a bunch of vultures and I am tired to my bones."

"Never really stopped you before. Last year you locked yourself in the office for 2 weeks the minute you got back."

"Yes, and this year I want to lock myself in my bedroom. Which I should be able to do if I want. Perks of being the CEO you know. Now can I please get my ass back home?"

"Who is going to sort through all this mess then?"

"You are. Why else am I paying you the big bucks."

"Oh c'mon, don't leave me all alone to fend for myself."

"I'm sure you will survive."

"Please Kong, just stay a little while longer."

I watched him furtively glance at his phone for the millionth time in the two hours that he had me practically chained to my office chair, only half listening to the world ending issues he claimed had gripped the company. He was obviously more distracted by whatever was supposed to be on his screen, so why the hell was he being such a thorn in my side while I could be very easily cozying up to my husband.

"Aim what exactly is going on?"

"Wha...what do you mean?"

He fiddled on his phone once again while he was clearly squirming under my hard glare. Whatever he was doing, I am not sure I was going to be happy about it. So I stood up from my chair and walked around my large desk to stand up to my full height in front of him. Staring down at him with all my might.

"Tell me now what you are upto before I get pissed Aim."

He pushed himself up too, meeting my glare head on while he pushed his phone in my hands.

"I was testing your husband. And he failed."

Aim had practically spat the word out, one of his patent sneers appearing whenever the topic of Arthit came up, his expressions shrouding in unconcealed anger as I looked down at his phone with confusion.

"What the hell is this?"

"You told me Arthit would never cheat on you. You told me to trust him. You told me everything would work out. Is that why not two hours after exchanging spit with you, the first thing he does after your vacation is to go running to meet that tramp. Are you honestly this blind Kong? Can't you see the both of them are just playing you? What if Arthit is involved in blackmailing you with the pictures? All of us know you have a lot more to lose than he does. And it seems this is a very easy way for them to squeeze out a little more out of you. Wake up dammit. I can see you are falling for that man while he is just using you Kong. And I can't stand by and watch it happen any longer."

At some point during his long tirade I had simply tuned out his voice. My attention fully focused on the picture on Aim's phone. The blasted image of Arthit once again sitting across from his ex, very much still in the same clothes from today. Clothes that I had nearly torn off from his body more than once while we were alone on the flight, and then again on the backseat of the car.

"How did you get this picture?"

"Kong, listen to me. I was just trying to..."

"I don't care what you were trying to do! Did you send someone to tail Arthit?"

Aim automatically took a step back as I moved towards him menacingly. I don't care two shits about what Aim's reason for doing whatever he thought he was doing. Nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody sends goons to follow my husband.

"Are you seriously mad at me right now? While you are actually staring at your so called husband cozying up with another woman? What the hell Kong? Has he hypnotized you or something? You are behaving like a complete idiot right now."

My jaw clenching with barely concealed anger as I shoved the phone back in his hand and grated through my teeth.

"Get whoever that is following Arthit to fuck off right now before I physically remove him myself."

Turning around I began marching out the room, fully aware if I stayed there a minute longer I was going to end up punching my best friend. I was almost at the door before I halted and glared at him once more.

"And Aim, one more thing..."


"Stay the fuck out of my marriage."

I don't even think I was fully aware when or how I found myself behind the wheel, whizzing through the streets towards the café. I don't care how many pictures I saw or the amount of proof I had in front of me, or even how much my own brain had convinced me in the past about Arthit still having feelings for his ex.

For the first time in over a year I had finally felt life through my veins when I had kissed Arthit. My spark of hope only igniting when he actually responded back. That had to mean something right? He wouldn't have behaved the way he did if he didn't feel atleast something back. And if this blind belief made me an idiot, then so be it. I was willing to be the biggest fool under the sun there was if it meant I had any chance with Arthit. After all what had being ruthless all my life really gotten me anyway? Lonely nights while I pined away for the man sleeping barely a few feet away.

So for the first time in my entire life if I had a chance to be selfish, to be happy, I was going to grab it with both my hands. Even if it meant fighting with the rest of the world. Fighting with my family, my best friend, or his ex-fiancé. As long as I still had that tiniest spark of hope left in me I wasn't about to give up just yet.

Which is exactly why instead of ignoring and running away from this issue like I had done until now I was more than ready to face it head on. One way or another I needed to know what was going on between them. And if I ever had a chance to become anything more than a mere contract for him.

All these several thousand different thoughts bouncing around my head as my feet had found a way to bring me almost to threshold of the café. My eyes desperately searching for the similar face that is almost constantly running through my consciousness. My gaze instantly landing on the man in question as if he was a magnet I was attracted to.

He was standing with his back to me in a slightly secluded corner of the intimate room partially hidden from view. And yet I could clearly see the short, slender woman standing barely a few inches away from him, gazing up at him with doe eyed innocence. My steps automatically faltering as I saw first-hand what their interaction even looked like.

I was still grappling with how to even interrupt this personal conversation that had clearly left the rest of the world behind when I saw her rise up on the tip of her toes and press her mouth against his.


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