Chapter 2/8

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Kong's POV

It didn't hit me like a ton of bricks like I had assumed falling in love would. It was slow. It was gradual. It crept up on me without even a hint of possibility.

I clearly remember the day of our wedding. The marriage might be fake, but the wedding very much needed to be real. We needed to convince the world that I was ready to take over the role as the new CEO. I was sitting behind the table in my home office, going through some paper work, before it was time for us to head over to the venue when I heard a soft knock on the door. Arthit clad in his perfectly fitting tux walked in a little tentatively as he stood before the vast piece of furniture. His hand unconsciously tugging at the collar of his shirt.



I quirked a questioning eyebrow at him. From what I had assumed the plan to be, we were supposed to meet directly at the venue. Perhaps he had something he needed to clarify about the contract before the inevitable, so I pushed aside the pile of papers in front of me and gave him my full attention.


"What's up? Did you have anything else you needed to discuss before we sign the papers?"

"No, no. Everything looks fine already."

"That's good then."

I waited for him to continue with whatever he wanted to talk about but instead he kept shuffling from one foot to another. After a few minutes of stilted silence I cleared my throat and tried again.

"I think we still have a couple of hours before we need to head out, so..."

"I just wanted to pop in to know...if you were still ... around."


"I mean, if you are planning on having cold feet too I would like to have some heads up this time."

He gave an awkward chuckle as his lips settled into a flat line trying to contain all his insecurities into that one statement.

I am pretty sure that was the first moment that blasted emotion people called love began its slow journey towards conquering my heart. Up until that day I had met Arthit only four times after I had made the decision that he would be a perfect 3 year long partner.

The first to make the quintessential proposal. The second when after three days he decided to accept. The third when we hashed out the ground rules for our peculiar relationships. And the fourth when we had signed the contract. The fifth was supposed to be our wedding day. Romantic huh?

To be honest I had tried to keep our interactions to the minimum. For some reason I was convinced he would be bitter towards me. I was clearly the man taking advantage of him when he was at his most vulnerable. Both personally and professionally. Turns out I couldn't have been more wrong. He never once blamed me for our odd situation. He had his own set of insecurities which he rarely tried to impose upon me.

I stood up from my chair and walked around the desk to perch against it while I faced him. Giving him my most open smile that my grandfather has tried for years to crush into oblivion.

"Nope. I'm still here. Wild elephants couldn't drag me away from you today. Trust me you have no idea how much I appreciate you helping me situation."

"Same here."

At least his terse smile didn't look as painful anymore.

"Want a drink?"

"Yes, please. Weddings and I don't have a very solid history together. I can't wait to get this day over with."

I hummed in agreement and handed him a stiff glass which he downed is a swift gulp. Extending his arm forward for a refill which I gladly obliged.

"We can make this work Arthit. It will be a piece of cake. Trust me."

And it was. For the longest time our relationship was as smooth as butter. Even the quick peck we shared after our vows seemed easy and comfortable. The smile he gave him when he were first pronounced as husbands as unreserved as I have ever seen. As if he was silently affirming with me that we were in this together. As friends. As partners.

Living with him was the easiest thing under the sun. After having spent most my life crushed under the demanding thumb of my grandfather, it was mind bogglingly refreshing what a difference it made when I was around someone who might genuinely like me as a person.

Sometimes over a hearty breakfast, or perhaps over a relaxed dinner, I actually began sharing my emotions with another human being. My fears, my triumphs. Days that were particular tiresome, or days I could claim as a victory.

His soft coaxing voice slowly extracting the soul I had buried somewhere deep within me. His smile never judgmental. Always understanding.

How was one to not fall in love with a man like Arthit? It was simply beyond my comprehension.

What made my freefall into the doom of unrequited love that much faster was not only limited to our private moments in the confines of our apartment, but the lives we led outside of it. As two famous newlywed CEOs it was only natural that we were invited to more than one event. Which meant the need to act up a relationship that didn't exist.

Why was it so bloody easy to slip my arm around his waist when I had to pull him in closer for a picture, or lace my fingers through his when it seemed it should be an appropriate time to hold hands with your partner in that moment. The quick peck on the cheeks, some excruciating ones on the lips all for the sake of keeping up pretenses always left me wanting for more.

And yet, after all of this, the idiot that I am hadn't placed the source of my disheveled emotions. I was happy but I didn't know why. I was anxious but the cause perplexed me. I would smile broader than I ever had, I would laugh louder than I heard myself, I would hum, I would sing, I was joyous. And yet I scoffed at anyone who would vocally observe how much being married suited me.

Until one day I enter our apartment to find Arthit setting up the dinner table with a bunch of my favorite dishes.


"Hi, how was your day?"


"Hmmm, go wash up, dinner is almost ready. You can tell me about while we eat."

Which I did. Cause sharing my day with Arthit over dinner was the best part of my day. Actually second best. Listening to him talk about his was definitely the first.

"Wow, this is really delicious. What's with all the food though?"

"Ok I know this is stupid but I am a sucker of anniversaries. Even really dumb ones."


"Yeah. Today makes it 6 months since we got married. I told you it was stupid."

It was not stupid. It was sweet. And endearing. And I was kicking myself internally for not having being thoughtful enough to do something special for him in return.

I watched him raise his wine glass as a toast as he smiled brightly towards me. My heart racing for the first time in such an obvious manner. The realization that should have hit me ages ago finally beginning to sink in.

"Well Kong, we survived half a year. Only two and a half more to go and then we are finally free."

The beating organ in my chest slamming to a sudden stop.

The moment I realized I was in love with him wasalso the moment it hit me that he was counting down the days till the end ofhis captivity.

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