Chapter 5/8

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Arthit's POV

Is this place haunted? It must be. What other explanation was there as to why the hair on the back of my neck have been standing almost non-stop since the time we stepped foot in this mansion. The paintings, the statues, the wallpaper, literally everything, at every turn just added to the creepiness level of this place. And let's not even mention the people who occupied this house. Dressed in garishly vulgar clothes, oscillating between whispering secrets behind backs or chortling a little too loudly at non-funny jokes.

To be fair I wouldn't be even remotely bothered with any of the things I had just mentioned if we weren't currently surrounded by a horrendous thunderstorm with scary lightening crackling across the night sky every few minutes. Is it relevant to this story that I am deathly scared of lightening as well as it's forever companion thunder? Maybe?

Which is why I have spent essentially a little too long in the bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror trying to pep talk myself into not being such a wuss. Now generally I am more than happy to turn into a scared kitten mewing in fright by myself under a bulky comforter while I attempted to survive the night.

Tonight was different though. Tonight I would have to once again share a bed with Kong where both of us uncomfortably twisted and turned around all night long. After five nights of barely catching a wink of sleep I was more than ready to go find a spare couch in this vast, haunted mansion, except that was the last thing we ever want his crazy family to discover. So we are once again stuck next to each other, except this time I have to find a way to not yelp as a 5 year old every time I see the flash outside our bedroom window.

I walked out on somewhat shaky legs to see Kong scroll through his phone, and he looked up as he saw me enter and gave me a smile that I was happily drinking in as the silence what suddenly shattered by a roaring thunder. Thankfully, loud enough to drown my muted squeal. And before Kong had the chance to notice the panic across my face I sped across the room and slid under the sheet. Burying my face deep in the pillow, mumbling a rushed goodnight and squeezing my eyes shut. How the hell was I supposed to face my husband, while me, a grown ass man, was practically shivering in his pants because of some noise and lights made by mother nature.

Fortunately for me, Kong probably had a bunch on his mind himself cause he simply shut off the lights and laid down behind me. His soft breathing the only thing keeping me grounded while I launched into counting endless sheep in the attempt of managing to fall asleep.

I think I was around the three thousandth sheep that was about to jump the fence when I felt an arm circle around my waist and I was being suddenly dragged until my back was pressed flushed against Kong's chest. His entire body spooning mine as his forearm snaked across my midriff. My body stiffening immediately as I felt his face pressed against the crook of my neck, the tip of his nose lightly nuzzling the curve of my ear.


"Shhhh....go to sleep. I'm right here."

The warm whisper tickled my cheeks while his grip only tightened around me. Did Kong by any chance think that having his body stuck against mine was actually going to allow me to relax enough to fall asleep? Sure I had finally stopped focusing on the storm raging outside except now it was just replaced by the one in my head. Every single inch of my body hyperaware of his touch and smell and warmth enveloping me.

How the hell did I go from fantasizing about snuggling around on a stiff couch to having our limbs entangled as an impossible puzzle. Atleast one of us could manage to find some peace tonight cause only a few minutes later I heard his soft snores humming by my ear. Hoping that was chance enough to finally scoot away to put a little more distance between us, except the man had a grip made of vice, which only tightened the second I attempted to move even an inch away from him.

It wasn't until another good few hours when I managed to finally doze off, snuggly wrapped around by Kong's arms. And it felt that I had barely shut my eyes for the night when they suddenly snapped open as I felt a pair of warm lips slide down the nape of my neck.

A moist tongue tracing the scorching path as the hand that until now was splayed across my ribs slowly slid lower until it reached the hem of the t-shirt and scrunched it upwards until it was possible for him to slip his hand underneath it. His slightly callused palms scraping against the naked skin of my torso. My brain still wrapping around the idea of what was happening when I felt Kong's distinctly hardened erection rubbing against my backside. The shocked yelp that was extracted from me barely having a chance to materialize when Kong latched his mouth at the corner of my shoulder. A wayward finger having found its way to my nipple that he flicked in a teasing manner.

My entire body stiff as a board as Kong unleashed his assaults from multiple points. His tantalizing mouth and roaming hands keeping me thoroughly distracted while he continued grinding into me.

I wasn't entirely sure if he was awake enough to know what he was doing or if this was a very self-aware activity that we were partaking in, and I didn't know which one would be more awkward. And yet even though I had the perfect opportunity to stop his confusing actions I simply couldn't. And that was solely because I didn't want to.

Not in a million years was I ever going to be courageous enough to make the first move towards Kong, and if just for a split second, even if it was only a half asleep Kong feeling my body in a way I have always craved, I wasn't capable of stopping him.

At some point he shifted our bodies for me to lay flat on my back, him looming over me, his eyes still shut, lips never having left my skin. His teeth softly nipping until he grazed a sensual path across my jaw.

My mind split between enjoying the sensations of his hard on pressing desperately against mine or his tongue that was slowly tracing the outline of my lips before it pried them apart and plunged deep within my cavern.

I have felt his lips pressed against many, many times. But not once in the entire duration of our marriage had I ever experienced his taste. Until this very moment. And now that I had, I didn't know how I would survive without it again.

My hands automatically buried deep within his hair when he dropped his entire weight on me. Every inch of his body fused against mine. Even our toes tugging at each other as if we couldn't manage to get enough skin contact.

And then he finally opened his eyes and looked deep into mine.

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