Chapter 27

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West House (Earth 38 Barry POV)

"I'm sorry, let me see if I get this straight." Joe said to me, "You are a version of Barry from a different universe."

"Yeah." I responded.

"And in this universe, you are also The Flash and you protect this other city with your super powered girlfriend." Joe continued.

"Yeah. Her name is Kara and we live together in National City." I added.

"And you got your powers from the particle accelerator?" Joe asked me.

"No. In my universe, there is no particle accelerator that explodes. We have a S.T.A.R Labs, but they never built a particle accelerator. My powers were given to me by this evil group called C.A.N.V.A.S, they kidnapped me and they gave me these powers. I was suppose to be there weapon to use against Supergirl and Superman, but things didn't go as planned." I corrected him.

"Oh wow, ok. I'm need a minute to process this." Joe said holding his head.

He made this face of confusion that made me laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked me.

"Nothing." I said trying to stop my laughter, "It's just that face that you're making. It's the same one that you had when you first got your phone, and Iris and I tried to help you understand how to use it."

Joe began to join in on the fun when I reminded him of this, "I couldn't figure out how to use it."

"And then you got so mad that you threw it at the wall and broke it." I finished off the memory.

We both laughed a little longer before slowly calming down. 

"Man I miss those old days." I told him, "I miss you, Joe."

"Well maybe you should visit me more often. I'm sure Earth, whatever, Joe probably misses having you around." Joe told me.

As he said this I couldn't help but show a frown, "Yeah, that's... That's not really an option for me any more."

Joe looked confused again, "What do you mean? Why not?"

It was hard for me to admit. I struggled with the idea of having to explain it all over again, and especially to Joe, "In... In my universe. You're... Gone."

"Oh." Joe said, taking a moment to process what I just said, "H... How did I die?"

"About a year ago, you died of lung cancer." I admitted. I took another pause so that Joe could collect his thoughts and wrap his head around what I was telling him.

"Oh wow. That is hard to hear." He said will stroking his chin. I remember him doing that when he would be thinking long and hard about something.

"Yeah." I responded, "It took us all by surprise... We were all devastated, especially Iris." 

"Oh man." Joe said. He was taking in long deep breaths and then exhaling them, it was clear that the bad news was hurting him. I needed to say something that would cheer him up.

"But she happy now." I ensured him.

This seemed calmed him down, "She is?"

"Yeah she is." I said. I managed to distract him away from the bad news, with good news, "She moved out of the city and married Eddie, your old partner."

"She... She's married, and Eddie is alive?" Joe's face had one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen on his face.

"Yes Joe. They both are perfectly happy together." I told him.

"Wow." He said to me, I could here him chuckle a little under his breath, "That... That is so good to hear. All I ever wanted was for you kids to leave this damn city, find someone, and be happy. It's so good to hear that at least one alternative version of my kids are doing what I told them to do."

I couldn't help but laugh, "How bad could this Earth's version of Iris be anyway."

"Are you kidding me? She's always out there doing things that she's not suppose to be doing. Always finding a way to endanger her life." Joe said slightly annoyed, but still finding it funny, "I swear that girl raises my blood pressure by the second."

I couldn't hold in my laughter. Talking with my old foster dad really brought so much joy to me again... I only wish I could share this with her, "Well at least she has your Barry to watch over her."

"Yeah. I got luck that those two watch each others back." Joe said, still chuckling, "So what about you? Were is your...?"

I knew this was coming, "She is busy back at S.T.A.R. Labs helping find Savitar. She is very devoted to her job."

"Oh." Joe said understanding my reasoning for coming alone, "Well I always did say you needed a strong and confident woman in your life, Bare."

I couldn't help but laugh at his advice, "Trust me, I do. She is as strong and confident as they come. You'll like her."

"Well if she is anything like you Bare, I'm sure I'll love her." Joe said to me while taking a sip of his beer.

"Thanks, Joe." It felt nice and warm to hear him say that. I just wished Kara was here to hear it herself. I looked at my watch and realized that I had spent a lot of time here, "Oh man, it's been a while. I should go and see if they found anything on our big bad."

I stood up and grabbed my jacket. Joe walked me to the door and said, "Well I'll see you tonight, and hopefully I get to finally meet this wonderful young lady you keep talking so highly about."

I gave him smile, "You will Joe, I promise."

He gave me a smile back, "Well tell her I'm making grandma Ester's famous noodles, maybe that'll bring her around."

I couldn't help but laugh, "Oh now she's definitely coming for sure. Just make sure to make extra."

Joe broke out into a laugh, "A girl with an appetite, sounds like the perfect match for you. I like her already."

"Thanks Joe." I said while opening the door, "I'll see you later."

As I turned my direction out the door, I froze in my spot. In front of me, stood a woman blocking my path. She was about to knock on the door before I pulled it open.

"Oh my gosh, it's you." Is all I could say.

Joe peaked his head over my shoulder and noticed who I was referring to, "Oh hey sweet heart, what brings you around here?"

Iris stood at the door and smiled at me and Joe, "Nothing much dad, just thought I'd pass by."

Oh... Iris is here. Anyway I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting. I'm currently writing three stories at the same time and it's a lot to handle. I'm working on this story, a new short story that I'm sure you guys will love I'm very excited about it, and Crisis on Earth X Volume 2; all while I'm on finals week. Hahaha, I'm so screwed. Anyway I wanted to give you guys something for this story, just to show that I'm not putting it on hold or anything. It's short I know, but I think it does the job. I always loved the relationship between Barry and Joe, and a single short chapter dedicated to them seem appropriate. Well at least to me it does, I dont know about you guys. Tell me what you guys think, and I'm not saying when the next chapter is, just because I dont want to promise you guys anything and not deliver. Tell me what you guys think of the chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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