Chapter 8

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Kara's Apartment

I quickly let go of Kara as soon as I saw all her friends show up. I couldn't help but blush as we were caught almost kiss in Kara's living room.

"You forgot didn't you." Alex said approaching Kara.

"No." Kara tried to defend herself, but she clearly was lying.

"Oh yeah. Well then where are all the snacks?"

I notice Kara begin to stutter, she had no idea what to say to her sister. I felt bad for her, "Actually Alex. Kara asked me to go get the snacks, but I forgot. It's my fault." I don't know why I said that, "I'm sorry."

The way Alex stared at me, made me feel uneasy. It was like her eyes were burning hole through to the back of my skull. I can easily tell that she knew I was lying, "Well ok then. Sorry for accusing you Kara, but we still need snacks."

"Don't worry I'll go." I offered.

"Actually we'll both go." Kara said grabbing me by the arm, "I figure I might as well show Barry around since he might be staying in National City."

I noticed everyone stare at both me and Kara. Wow, so much for trying to make a first good impression, "Yeah that would be nice Kara."

"So we'll be right back." Kara said to the group while dragging me out of the apartment, "How about you guys set up the games, while me and Barry quickly go make a stop at the supermarket."

"Wait Kara-." Alex began to argue, but Kara refused to stop.

"Ok see you guys in a bit." Kara closed the door behind her quickly and we headed out into the city.

National City Streets

"Hey you ok?" I asked Kara, we've been silently walking for a while now and I decided I should maybe speak up.

"What? Oh yeah everything is fine." Kara clearly lie.

"Uh. Kara... What about the pack." I reminded her.

Kara gave a deep sigh, she clearly forgot. "You're right. I'm not alright."

"What's wrong?" I asked her. I don't know why, but I feel like it might be my fault, "Is it what I did back there? I'm sorry if I cross some sort of line, it's just that you looked like you were in trouble with your sister. I know you've been busy with me all day and you didn't get a chance to run your errands."

"What? No. No. Barry it's not that." Kara gave me a bright smile, "What you did back there was really sweet. Thank you."

"Oh." I'm blushing. Damn it! Good thing it's dark, "So what is it?"

"Just my friends. They saw us hugging and I know that they are going to start getting ideas in their heads. I really didn't want to be left alone with them."

"Oh." I now got it, "Well they can't be all that bad."

"No they're not. They are actually one of the best group of friends that a girl can ask for. They always got my back, and I always got theirs."

Wow. The way Kara described them made them seem like great people, "Well you're lucky. I never had a group amazing friends back in Central City, my only real friend was Iris."

Kara giggle at me. "Iris is amazing. I met her when I went to Earth 1's Central City for the weekend. Is your's a reporter as well?"

"Yeah. She worked for the Central City Picture News before moving to Metropolis with her boyfriend, now husband, Eddie."

"Well if she is anything like the Iris West of Earth 1, then she must be an amazing writer."

"She is... sometimes. She just needs to work on her grammar." I chuckled to myself as I remembered all the times Iris had me proof read her articles late at night, "She could never figure out which 'where' to use."

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