Chapter 4

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Kara's Apartment

"Make yourself at home." I said while holding open the door for Barry. I watched as he walked in all nervously, taking small steps, trying his best to avoid touching anything. I couldn't help but laugh under my breath as I watched him explore the place, "Take a seat anywhere you like, I'm going to go change."

Kara's Apartment-5 mins later

"I'm back." I announced as I finished tightening the scrunchy around ponytail. As I walked around the couch to take a seat next to Barry, I couldn't help but notice that he tensed up at the sight of me, "What's wrong?"

"Who are you?" He said standing up while backing away slowly away from me, "Look I'm so sorry for coming into your apartment like this miss, I thought it belonged to Supergirl, I didn't think she would drop me off at some strangers house. Please don't call the cops, this all a big misunderstanding." 

"Stranger? What are you talking about Bar-" I suddenly caught a glance at myself in my full length mirror and noticed what the problem was. I suddenly couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Wh... What's so funny?"

"Barry, it's me." I said taking off my glasses and then putting them back on multiple times, "Supergirl."

"Oh my gosh!" He said placing his hand over his heart in relief, "I thought I was going to go jail. That's... That's not funny. Give me a warning next time."

Him being mad made me laugh even harder. I was laughing so hard that I collapsed on the couch and laughed into the pillow, "You... You were so scared."

"Well yeah? I was probably going to end up pepper sprayed and then sent to jail." He said taking a seat next to me on the couch, "That is an awesome disguise, I couldn't tell who you where."

"They are just a pair of fake glasses." I took off my glasses and handed them to him, "Here, see for yourself.

He took the glasses into his hand and examined them closely. He checked the lens first and then ran his finger around the frame of the glasses, "They are outlined in lead aren't they. Designed to help control your X-Ray vision, am I right?"

"Yeah." Damn, Barry's nerdy science skills never failed to amaze me, "That's impressive."

"Well I was a CSI for the Central City Police Department, not to brag but I was pretty good at it." He explained to me with a cocky smile.

"Yeah I know. You told me before."

"I did?"

"Yeah you did. You even let me come on one of your cases with you when I visited you in Central City." I laughed while I remembered. I thought back to that summer weekend I spent in Central City. Barry invited me over, said that things get slow and uneventful during the summer, which same applied to National City. I went to visit for three days, it was so much fun, until I insisted that Barry take me on one of his crime scenes. Never make that mistake again, saw a man with half his face burned off, couldn't sleep for the rest of the trip.

"I don't remember that? Do you think that you can remind me what I've forgotten." Barry asked me, he obviously really wanted to remember.

"Um, lets see. Where do I start?" I thought about a good place to start, but there was just so much to Barry that I couldn't figure out where to begin. Maybe I should take a different approach, "There is so much to go over Barry, how about you tell me what you remember first and then I will fill in the gaps for you. How's that sound."

"Yeah! Yeah! That works. Where do you want me to start?"

I thought about this for a moment, "How about you tell me about your parents, the Barry I remember had some eventful things that he went through with his parents."

"My parents.... Well my dad went to jail for the murder of my mom when I was young. And I know that I sound crazy when I say this but he didn't do it, my dad is innocent, the day my mom died there was this thing... this..."

"Man in a yellow suit?" I finished for him. Saying this earned me this look of disbelief from Barry.

"How... How did you know?"

"You told me this story Barry, I'm telling you, we are best friends." I placed a hand on his hand, as a way of showing my support.

Barry gave me a smile when I did this, "Well going on, I became a CSI as a way of trying to find proof that my dad didn't kill my mom. I worked for the CCPD for while with my foster father Joe West. He took me in when I was eleven years old, and he and his daughter Iris West became my new family."

I continued to smile at Barry as he continued to tell me his life story. As I watched his face I noticed that something changed in his expression, it was suddenly filled with sadness, "What's wrong?"

"What? Oh nothing. It's just that not long ago my foster father Joe West died of lung cancer."

Wait what? That's different?

"His death was hard on me and Iris, mostly Iris. She couldn't take the sight of the city we grew up in and she moved away. I tried to stay in contact with her, but we just grew apart."

Wait! Barry and Iris are not together?

"I try to call her once in a while, but she just dodges my calls. She moved away to Metropolis with her boyfriend Eddie. They got married not that long ago, but I couldn't go to the wedding because C.A.N.V.A.S captured me around that time."

Wait! Wait! Nothing makes sense here. How is Eddie alive, Barry told me he died? Also how could they move to Metropolis if it doesn't exist on Earth 1? I'm so confused right now.

"C.A.N.V.A.S captured me around two years ago. Told me that I was special, that this thing called, the Speedforce, was going to choose me. I didn't know what they meant until on day they hooked me up to this machine and struck me with a high voltage of electricity, equal to that of a lightning bolt. After that extremely painful process, I was put into a coma for nine months, when I woke up I was able to run really really fast."

No! This isn't your origin story, what did C.A.N.V.A.S do to you?

"C.A.N.V.A.S trained me to use my powers, showed me how to control them. I was imprisoned for two years, but I did as they said because they told me that they would hunt down Iris if I didn't. I cooperated with them until one day, when they told me to do something that I just couldn't do."


"They wanted me to kill you. I told them I couldn't, I told them you where a hero and that there was no way I was going to lay a hand on you. I was never going to hurt you."

Those words really touched me. Barry had no idea who I was, but he still cared about me. How can a man be this sweet, "What happened next?"

"They tortured me, they tried to use any form of extreme pressure to brainwash me into doing as they said. It got so bad that eventually I tried to escape, I used my speed and tried to run out of that place as fast as I could, but I wasn't fast enough. They imprisoned me in another base and that's where you found me."

I tried to take it all in, tried my hardest to understand and place it all together. What was going on, where did all these lies come from, "Ok. Hold up."

"What's wrong. Is something wrong with my past, am I wrong about something?" Barry looked concerned. He looked afraid.

"Um. Well what I remember is different, let me tell you what I remember about you." I decided not to cushion the blow, I was going to tell him everything. Tell him that his dad is alive, that he is together with Iris, that he got his speed from an accident, and the he was Central City's finest hero, The Flash. Me and Barry don't lie to each other, I'm going to tell him the truth, "First, your name is Barry Allen, but you are also The Fla-"

"Stop!" I jumped out of seat when Alex came barging in. She held up a gun, but it wasn't pointed at Barry, it was pointed at me. "Don't tell him anything."

You guys are luck. I had extra time to write another chapter today. Yay! I could probably start a third chapter today, but most likely not get a chance to finish it today. Anyway next chapter will most likely come up tomorrow, so I'll see you guys tomorrow. Don't forget to leave me a comment, tell me how I'm doing and follow me or leave me a vote, either one is good.

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