Chapter 7

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Kara's Apartment

Oh my gosh! How could I forget I had that picture! Now you're is all confused. This isn't how you were suppose to find out, I was going to tell you. Damn it! "Ok. Um. Where do I start."

Barry looked at me, I could see in his eyes that he was growing impatient with me, "Supergirl how is this me? I don't remember doing this, I never did this. What am I wearing, and why are we hugging? Please Supergirl, I've been patient, I've done my best to stay calm and not cause trouble. But I need you to explain to me what is going on, I know that this isn't the first time you've seen me, we've obviously met before. Please. Please help me understand."

I could see the pain in his eyes, he was confused and stress. I needed to tell him, I needed to treat him like the Earth 1 Barry, that means I need to always be honest with him. Barry and me made a pack, that we would never lie to each other; our lives are complicated and stressful, and it helps to have someone that understands what you are going through. That's why I never lie to Barry, because I don't need to. Barry is the most understanding and kind hearted person I've ever met, which means the same goes for this Barry. He deserves the truth, "Ok Barry listen up. I'm about to tell you everything, but I need you to do something for me first."

"I've done everything for you. I've waited patiently, listen to you, I don't know what else I can give you?"

"I need your word. I'm about to tell you the truth, about everything. I need you to promise me that you will never tell another soul. Please Barry, this is the last thing I'm asking from you." I took his hand in mine and stared him in the eyes, "Please Barry. I need you to trust me... I trust you."

Barry looked away from me, most likely to think. It took him a while before he looked back into my eyes, "Ok. I trust you."

Hearing that from him made my heart jump in excitement, I tried to stop myself but I couldn't and I ended up jumping into his arms. I could feel him hesitate at first, but he hugged me back in the end, "Thank you Barry. You have no idea how much that means to me."

We stayed hugging for a while before I decided it was time to unload the complete truth bomb on him. I let go of him and took a deep breath, "Ok Barry. Here it is... You are not the first Barry Allen I have met. I never met you, but I've met a different Barry Allen."

"Wait what? I'm confused."

"You ever hear about the multiverse theory?"

"Oh my gosh! You're telling me that the theory about there being parallel Earths to ours is real!" Of course he's hear about it before, he's such a cute dork.... Regular dork! I meant to say regular dork!, "That is so cool!"

I couldn't hold back my giggle, he looks so adorable when he is excited, "Yup it is. And one day, I met a very special individual that changed my life forever."

I watched his facial expression. He so desperately wanted to know, "I met Barry Allen."

"You met an alternative version of me from a different universe?"

"Yeah. He saved me."

"He did. How?"

"He has super speed too."


"Yeah. He accidentally ran to fast one day and ended up in my universe."

"Wow." Barry looked away from me. He had the big smile on his face, he was taking this news better than I thought, "So. You're saying that one day I can do that too. Run so fast I can jump dimensions."

I couldn't help to giggle at his enthusiasm, "Yeah, you have the same powers of him, there is no reason you shouldn't be able to, but it's going to take practice. The Barry Allen from Earth 1 didn't become The Flash over night."

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