Chapter 13

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Kara's Apartment

Damn it. Should I lie? Nah, she'll know, I shouldn't even try that. Even if I do get away with it, Winn can always still spill the beans. Damn it, "Ok. I'll tell you, but you need to promise me that you won't get mad."

She gave me a look that told me that I wasn't in a place to negotiate, "The fact that you ask me to not get mad, means that I should probably be mad. What did you do, Barry?"

Ah man!, "I may or may not have..."

Flashback - D.E.O

I superspeeded into the D.E.O and stopped at Winn's desk. As I came to a stop I noticed that my entrance had caused a massive amount of paperwork to fly into the air and scatter everywhere, earning me a whole lot of angry looks from everyone, "Sorry."

"Barry!" Winn approached me, "To what do I owe for this mess?"

"Hey Winn I need your help with something."

"Is it more stuff about Kara?" Winn asked.

"No. This is for me."

"What can I do?"

I looked around, making sure no one was listening to our conversation, especially J'onn and Alex. They would never approve and call Kara on me. Once I saw that I was in the clear I told him, "Do you remember all that stuff you told me about The Flash earlier this morning."

"Yeah. Sorry I couldn't tell you more, not quite the expert. If you honestly want a full detailed description of him, you can ask Kara about it; she know like everything about him. Probably more then he knows about himself." Winn started laughing at his own joke, but I didn't.

"Yeah, I'm not really in a mood to talk to Kara right now."

"Really?" Winn asked me and checked to make sure I was serious, "Why not? Everyone loves talking to Kara; she's like pudding, everyone loves pudding."

"Yeah I know, but not right now. I need find out more about him on my own." I said while taking a hold of the backpack I was wearing on my back, "But I need your help first."

"What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to take me to Earth 1."

"Earth 1!" Winn shouted.


"Earth 1." Winn whisper shouted, "Why?"

"I want to see him... The Flash."

"No way. Kara would kill me if I sent you there alone. I'm not doing it."

"Then come with me."

"Why do you even want to see The Flash anyway?"

"Because I need to see what makes this guy so great. I need to see what it is about this guy that makes Kara go total fangirl over him." I realized the harshness in my tone, I didn't mean for it to come out like that, but I was just feeling so angry. I'm angry at him, my Earth 1 counterpart, but I don't know why. I haven't even met him yet.

"Ah!" Winn gave me this smirk that I didn't like, "You're jealous of him. Or yourself technically."

"What? Why would I even be jealous about, I haven't met the guy."

"Yeah, ok." Winn said in a way that didn't sound like he actually agreed with my counter argument, "So Earth 1. You want to go visit The Flash."


"Well I don't know Barry."

"Come on Winn. You said to me last night that you and my Earth 1 counterpart are good friends, why can't that apply to me?"

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