Chapter 10

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Kara's Apartment

I groaned as I felt the blinds from my windows suddenly open on their own and allowed the sun to beam right in front of my face, "Turn off the sun."

I tried to go back to sleep, but the damn sun had already woken me up. I opened my eyes and noticed that Barry had left me, and that I was left laying flat on the couch, "Barry?"

"Oh good, you're up just in time." I heard his voice call to me from the kitchen, "I made you pancakes, toast, coffee, and sausage. Are you vegetarian, I can take the sausage away if you want? I also stopped this morning at a pastry shop and got you a scone, chocolate chip muffin, and stick bun. Are you gluten free, I can take those away if you want to? And Winn says you like your lattes from some place called Noonans? It is kinda cold now, but Winn says you'll just heat it up with your laser sight or something. Also how do you like your eggs; scrambled, sunny side up, omelette, oh I can even-"

"Barry!" I had to stop him he was rambling on, "Slow down... Wow this is all for me?"

I noticed Barry take a moment to look back at his masterpiece, "Yeah. It my way of saying thanks for letting me stay here... Now about those eggs?"

I couldn't help laughing, "I like them scrambled. Also, no I'm not a vegetarian, no I'm not gluten, it's called heat vision, and when did you talk to Winn?"

"This morning. I met him at the D.E.O early and we talked, told me a lot of interesting stuff about National City and it's famous Girl of Steel."

I couldn't believe they were talking about me all morning. I hope I'm not blushing, "Really why me?"

"I figured that if I'm going to be staying here with you, I should get to learn more about you and help out around the apartment." Barry said placing the last bit of food on the table. He checked his watch and his eyes shot open is shock, "You're going to be late; hurry up, shower, change quickly."

"You know my work schedule?" I like Barry, honesty. He never once bugged me, but this just seems just a little bit stocker-ish.

"You would be surprised how much Winn knows about you. I literally asked him what kind of coffee you like and he ended up telling me everything." Barry laughed.

"Oh. That makes much more sense." I said out loud. I quickly super speeded my way into my bedroom and came out in three seconds showered and dressed for work, "Done."

"Wow you take forever." Barry comment, which I assume was a joke since I literally took three seconds, "What? I was gone three seconds. That was quick."

Barry laughed at me, "I take two seconds."

Kara's Apartment - Couple of minutes later

"Damn that was good. Haven't had a breakfast like that in a while." I said using my napkin to clean myself, "Who taught you how to cook?"

"My adoptive father Joe." Barry answered, "Grandma Esther was an amazing cook and he practically taught me all her recipes. I can practically make anything." 

"Really?" Now I'm excited, "Good thing you decided to live with me, otherwise that talent of yours was going to go to waste."

"You forced me to stay here with you." Barry laughed, "Can ask you something?... Why?"

I looked down at my empty plate, "I don't know, a feeling I guess. I've liked in this giant apartment for years now and I guess I was just starting to get lonely. I've been wanting a roommate for a while now, but just haven't had the guts to go out there and look for one."

"What about your sister, ever thought about asking Alex?" Barry advised.

"Ha! I'm not opening the can of worms again. I shared a room with her for around ten years, we both barely got out there alive." I laughed remembering all the fights we use to share, "Plus, I always liked you Barry. The other one I mean, from Earth 1. He was fun to be around and we just clicked well together; I always fantasized how fun it would be to be roommates with him. Staying up late at night, watching movies, eating, playing games; I guess I was kinda hoping to get that with you."

I noticed Barry look away from me when I said this. I could see he developed a frown on his face; I didn't know that was possible. I felt a sharp pain jab me in the heart when I saw him like this, "I'm sorry Barry did I say something wrong."

"What no." Barry said looking up, but avoiding my gaze, "It's just that I keep noticing that you bring up my doppelganger all the time."

"Oh my gosh. I'm sorry." Damn it how can I be so insensitive, "Is there something about him that you have a problem with. I want to know so that I can stop."

"It's not you, it's just that-" Barry took a glance at his watch, "Oh my gosh, you're going to be late to work! Here I'll clean up everything here and you be on your way."

Barry stood up and took my plate away, "Wait Barry, what about that thing you were going to tell me about?"

"It can wait. Go to work, don't be late." Barry said bring me over my stuff, "Here is your purse, glasses, keys, and coffee. Make sure your laptop is inside and have a nice day at work. Say hi to James for me."

Barry walked me to the door. He opened it up for me and we looked at each other for a second wondering how to say goodbye. I went for a hug, but he held his hand out for a high five. I quickly changed to a high five too, but he changed to a hug. In the end we just ended up shaking hands, "Thanks for breakfast, see later Barry."

"See ya." 

I ran down the hallway and made my way to work quickly.

On my way to work it dawned on me that I just found a difference between Earth 38 Barry and Earth 1 Barry; one is obsessed with being on time and the other is always late. I couldn't help but laugh to myself on how these two had such a different approach to time.

Kara's Apartment - Barry POV

I watched from the window as Kara made her way to Catco. As soon as she turned the corner, and she was out of my sight of view, I grabbed the phone that Winn had given to me earlier, and called him.

I waited as I heard the phone ring, it rang three times before someone picked up, "Barry! How's my new favorite speedster."

"Hey Winn. You busy right now?"

"Not really, Hank has me doing paperwork. Why what's up?"

"Just wanted to know if you can give me some information." I said as I walked over to Kara's drawer.

"About what?"

"Tell me everything you know about The Flash." I asked him as I held Kara's action figure in my hand. 

There is chapter 10. Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was busy putting the final touches on a One-shot I had been working on for a while. If you haven't checked that out yet, look for 'Superflash - Crisis on Earth X (Volume 1) - The Lost Chapter'.  I'm really proud of that one, it's is just a regular simple date between Kara and Barry. If you like simple sweet stories, check that one out. It's a one-shot so you don't need to worry about a time dedication, it's like literally seven minutes to read. Next chapter will most likely be up tomorrow. Don't forget to leave me a comment and tell me how I'm doing, give me any advise, or tell me if I misspelled something (Been getting a bit of those recently). Or if there is something you want to see, then tell me.

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