Chapter 19

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National City (Barry POV)

"Hey everyone, what can I answer first?" I looked at the pile of reports and I couldn't decide who to pick first. They all rose their hands and asked me their questions but I couldn't understand any of them. Finally I decided on the male reporter right in front of me, "What's your question sir?"

"Ron Troupe, reporter for the Daily Planet. We just witnessed you take down Metallo, a long time foe of Superman and Supergirl, how are you feeling right now?"

This was an easy one, "Aw man it feels great. He was tough I'll tell you that, I don't know how Superman and Supergirl handle a guy like that, but I'm honestly happy to have helped. I'm glad to have been able to help Supergirl take down this guy."

"Great to hear that, but I have to ask. Many people would argue and say that Supergirl didn't really contribute today, some say that you did all the work. Your response on that?"

This statement pissed me off. I wanted to yell, but I kept my cool as best as I could, "Well they are wrong Ron. I couldn't have down any of this today if it wasn't for Supergirl's help, to me she did everything. You guys should all really be interviewing her." I saw everyone get silent and write down every word I said. They then came up with follow up questions to my statement, but I didn't really feel like answering any of them, "No more questions."

I turned around and walked away. Behind me I could here the reporters all try to yell at me to come back and answer all there questions, but I ignored them. All of their voices were huddled together and created nonsense, but I was able to pick one voice that stood out against the crowd. One very familiar. I turned around and drew my attention to a reporter that had some how was able to make it to the front of the crowd. She noticed that she got my attention and spoke up.

"Kara Danvers, Catco Worldwide Media reporter." I couldn't believe how fast she was. Kara stood in front of me in her civilian clothes, hair pulled back, and in her glasses; she held a phone out and gave me a smile, "Do you have time to answer a couple of my questions?"

"Ugh... Yeah. Yeah." I could hear all the whining and complaining from the other reports, but I ignored them.

"Last year, National City was blessed when a hero showed up donning a costume similar to yours. Many have already speculated that you are him, but I feel like you are someone completely different... Are you that same guy?"

"Ugh... No... No I'm not. I'm my own person, I'm not him."

Kara gave me a smile and asked her second question, "Well last year our previous C.E.O, Cat Grant, donned that other superhero with the title, 'The Blur'. Since you claim not to be him, what can National City call it's newest hero?"

I thought about this for a moment, was I ready for his name? Have I earned it? As I questioned myself I noticed Kara give me a small nod with a smile, ensuring me to say it. It was like she knew what was going on in my head. I took deep breath and answered her as clear as I could, "Well, National City can call me... The Flash."

Everyone suddenly rose their hands immediately, but I ignored them all and focused on Kara. She smiled at me and asked me one last question, "Will National City be seeing more this dynamic duo between Supergirl and The Flash?"

"Unlike like 'The Blur', I'm here to stay. I look forward to working alongside National City's long time protector."

"Thank you for your time, Flash. I look forward to meeting you again." Kara said to me.

"And I you, Ms. Danvers." Shortly after, all the other reporters began shouting out there questions but once again I ignored them all. I turned around and sped my way out of there, leaving a lot of angry journalist behind.

Hey, probably wondering how I was able to get this chapter out so quickly. Well it was actually at the end of chapter 18, but I decided it was better to make it it's own chapter. It's short, but I it's cute, I think, I don't know. I like things that are awesome better, but I really liked this chapter. Anyway that is chapter 19, hope you guys enjoyed it. Tell me what you guys think. Now if you excuse me, I have the latest episodes of Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, and Arrow to watch, see ya.

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