Chapter 2

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I quickly come flying into the D.E.O and land with a large thump. I felt everyone's eyes land on my, but I didn't care. In my hands I held my nearly dead best friend, and right now my only concern was to get him treated. I needed to get someone to help me, "Help! Somebody help my friend."

D.E.O Medical Room

I continued to stare Barry through the glass as I watched the D.E.O's doctors try their hardest to help stabilize him. I hated having to watch, hated not being able to do something. I could hear everything they were saying inside, but I didn't understand half of it. I didn't know what Barry's condition is. I examined his body, there was no injuries at all, no cuts, no broken bones, no nothing. He was just unresponsive. Although it seemed like he was going to make it, I couldn't help but feel this pain in my chest. I had so many questions that I wanted answers. Why was he here? Why didn't he contact me? Why didn't he stop to say hello? What was he doing locked up in a C.A.N.V.A.S base? Why-

"Kara!" Alex yelled at me as she run up to me, "I heard you were back, did you find anything in the arctic?"

I didn't feel like answering her, so I just placed a finger up against the glass and pointed to my unconscious best friend from another universe.

"Is? Is that Barry? What is Barry doing here, I thought I sent you to the arctic?" Alex told me. I can tell by the tone in her voice she thought I forgot about the mission. She probably was jumping to conclusion that instead of going to the arctic, like I was supposed to, I left to Earth 1 to go have fun with my friend instead, "I did. He's what I found."

Alex turned back to look at Barry and then back at me, "You're telling me you found your Earth 1 boyfriend at a secret C.A.N.V.A.S base?"

"Alex we've been over this, he's not my boyfriend, and yes I found him at the base locked up in this forcefield cage."

"Well were you able to find the weapon or not?"

"No. There was nothing in that lab besides Barry."

"Well is he ok?"

"I don't know. Did you guys find anything?" I wanted to change the subject, I did want to keep answering these questions of hers.

"No. Just a couple of low level weapons, but nothing like we were looking for."

I gave my sister a nod. I took a seat on the bench outside the medical room and just tried my best to relax. With my head leaned back, I stared at the ceiling, and began to count the tiles. I was desperate to find anything I could do to pass the time, but today, luck was on my side. It took only 5 minutes before the doctor came out the medical room to give me the good news.

"Your friend is fine, Supergirl." The doctor explained to me, "He was just malnutritioned. We had to gave him a couple of IV bags, but he's fine now. He is just starting to wake up."

"Oh my goodness." I felt so relieved, "Thank so much. Can I see him?"

"Of course." The doctor told me as she step to the side to let me in.

I ran over to Barry and plopped myself on top of him so that I could give him a hug, "Barry! I'm so happy to see you!"

After giving him a quick dose of kindness I switched it over to scolding him, "Why didn't you tell me you where back in the city."

I slap him hard on the arm, "Why didn't you stop an visit me? What were you thinking taking on entire evil organization alone? You better answer me now Barry Allen before I knock you back into an unconscious state."

I watched his face, he looked... scared? His eyes kept shifting rapidly between me and Alex. He tried to scoot as far away from me as possible, like he was afraid of me, "Supergirl? H... How do you know my name? Where am I? What am I doing here? What did you do to me?"

My eyes stayed on him, I was expecting him to all of a sudden crack a smile and yell 'got ya' at me, but he didn't. He actually had no idea what was going on. He was scared. I turned to Alex for some sort of answer on what to do, but she just shrugged her shoulders. I look back at my friend, "Oh boy."

There is chapter 2. Hope you guys like it so far, please leave me a comment, tell me how I'm going. It would really help. If you like the story follow me so that I can keep you guys informed on when I'm going to post. Chapter 3 will most likely be up pretty soon.

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