Chapter 18

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Fight Sight (Kara POV)

Hey guys, quick message here. Just for your information, I'm using the Crisis on Earth X Metallo because... well how wouldn't. That thing was awesome looking. Didn't last long, but still awesome looking. Anyway back to the story.

"*Hard panting*" Metallo finally stopped attacking me. I had never experienced that much kryptonite in my life, and I wish to never do it again. I couldn't move, I couldn't breath, I couldn't do anything but just sit here and wait for him to charge up again. Watching the green kryptonite beam charge up in his chest was scary, I will admit, I know for a fact that I wasn't going to be able to take another one of his attacks head on again. If I did, it was going to be my last.

I'm going to be honest, I wanted to cry, I was never going to see anyone again, I was never going to see Barry again. I was never going to get to see him in his suit, I was never going to get to fight alongside him like I promised, I was never going to get to tell him how I actually felt; thinking about all this made me want to cry, but I didn't. I held back the tears because the last thing in the world that I was going to do was go out crying like a scared little girl. I didn't want tomorrow's headline to read, 'Girl of Steel died while helplessly crying!'. If I went out, I was going to go out head held high.

Metallo had finished building up his charge. This was it, it has been an amazing trip, just wish it didn't end so quickly. At least I was able to leave National City with a new hero... Goodbye everyone... Goodbye Barry.

"Hey C3PO!"


All of sudden, in a spark of orange and yellow lights, I saw Barry came up from nowhere and tackle Metallo off balance causing his attack to miss me by an inch. I closed my eyes for most of the action, but when I opened them up I saw Barry repeatedly speed punching Metallo in the chest. I felt hope fill my chest for a little bit, until I saw Metallo back slap Barry away.

Fight Sight (Barry POV)

"Wow that was embarrassing." I said to myself as I got up and held my head. One minute into the action, and I was already swatted away like a fly. I looked back at Metallo and noticed that he had not a single dent on his body, this was way harder than punching cars.

Metallo walked towards me in a very slow pace, not that effective, but it looked very intimidating. I quickly got up and readied my stance to fight, "Hi... I'm The Flash. You might not know this but you are actually my first super villain, I'm kinda nervous."

He didn't respond and just continued his slow advancing pace.

"Not much of a talker I see. Guess you're here for the action. Well then, I'm not going to keep you waiting." I ran around creating a small circle to generate electricity and after building enough charge, I reached behind and flung a bolt of lightning forwards.

I watched as the lightning struck Metallo straight in the chest and caused him to slow down a little bit. For a second I thought I got him, but that hope was quickly lost when I saw him shake off my attack and continue his advancement again.

"Really man?!" Need something else, "Ok how about this one."

I rotated my arms really fast and created two cyclones. I tried to use them to slow him down, but he just kept walking. I quickly got tired and stopped my attack, but that was a mistake because as soon as I did that he hit me with his kryptonite blast.

I must have been thrown back like fifty yards, because the landing was really painful. This is a lot harder than I thought. Why did I think that I could over power this thing, Kara couldn't and she is more powerful then me. All my attacks are useless and I can't seem to slow him down. What can I do!?

My Very Own BarryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora