𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠

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{𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲- 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐛𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐲}

-I saw you and jimin sleeping on the floor yesterday.- my mother smiled brightly.

Sometimes I ask myself, is my mom a robot? How is it possible to smile like that in the morning?

-Nice mom. How was your night with your one year long boyfriend? Did you guys had fun?

-Yoongi!- She laughed.- Don't be mean, and yes we did.

-Did he treat you well? Because if he didn't I swear to god I will...

-He did Yoongi.

-Thats Good.- I said and finished eating breakfast.- I'm going up. Jimin and I have to do a work.

-Wait Yoongi.

I turned around on my heels and stared at her.

-Its been a while since we had a real talk..  since... your father.. all this years you've been away from me and everyone... you isolated yourself. But now with Jimin, you're different. I really think jimin was a good thing that happened to you. Don't let go of it.- she smiled softly.

-Im... going up.- I turned to the stairs and ran there.

-Alright, I don't want to abuse of my luck.

When going upstairs, my mother's words kept tingling in my mind. Maybe jimin did change me someway... maybe he really is helping me.
Maybe he isn't really just a brat.

I opened my bedroom door and he was there "to do the work with me". Which we ended up starting. Only.

Jimin kept distracting me by teasing the shit out of me. He was getting on my nerves.

I got to a point where I could no longer hold it so, I throw him to my bed and glare at him furiously.

-Stop that!

He just laughed and stated how cute I look when I'm angry. What made me even more angry. His hand reached for my shirt and pulled me closer.

-Hyung don't be mad.- he said using his other hand to turn the speakers on and put the volume really high.

-What are you doing jimin?

-Trying to have fun.- he said passing his hand trough my sensitive zone, making me groan with the feeling. He threw me to the place next to him and got up to lock the door.

-Boys why is the music so loud??

-I'm showing Yoongi the choreography!

-Alright!- my mom yelled back and walked away.


-Hyung please shut up.- he said crawling to be on top of me.

-we can't do this now, my mom is here.- but that wasn't brought for him to stop.

He kissed my lips and only stop when my mom knocked on the door repeatedly.

-ugh.. it's so sad that we can never have peace hyung...- he pouted.

I unconsciously pecked his pout, what made him blush, caught off guard.
I blushed too and walked to the door.

Why did I do that?

-yes mom?- I say unlocking the door.

She handed me a small package.

-someone left that for you. I'll go back to watching game of thrones.- she laughed and went downstairs.

I dropped the package on the table and suddenly Jimin hugged me from behind.

-let me kiss you again hyung.

-I have a better idea.

-what could be better than kissing me?

I simply grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the house, until we arrived to the nearest cafe.

-I want a Caramel Macchiato and a...- I looked over at Jimin, who shrugged and let out a "choose for me".- White mocha, please.

-Alright, names?

-Min Yoongi and Park jimin.

-okay wait for a bit please, thank you.

I smiled and sat down.

-I still don't understand Yoongi. How's this more exciting than kissing me?

-exciting things happen at cafes Jimin, just be patient.

-right..- he mumbled.

The waiter came to us with our orders and after we started drinking a old man came to our table.

-my boy... would you be interested in going to a theme park?- he smiled.- Unfortunately, my wife got sick and she can't go with me. I have to take care of her, do you want our tickets?

Poor Mr. Kim... his wife died 2 years ago and he still didn't manage to get over it.

I sadly smiled.

-we would love to.- I said accepting the tickets.

-thank you.- Mr Kim said slowly leaving the cafe.

-see?- I turned to jimin giving him the tickets.- exciting things happen at cafes!

He smiled sweetly and we left.

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