“Yeah, so I was wondering if you could point him in the right direction…help him out a little... If any of it is even possible, indulge him” Colton shrugged with a laugh

“Did he get permission for it?”

Colton nodded

“Alright then” Harry smiled

“So, you’ll help?”

“Why not?” Harry shrugged


Primrose had her first lecture and was free till lunch- so she headed to one of the quieter corridors, knowing she’d find the Titans there. She was greeted by Ian and Tina who spoke to her for a bit

“So why is Orlando waiting until Friday to attack?” Primrose asked

“We learnt not to question him” Ian shrugged

“You three shouldn’t be here! This section is for seniors” Alex said whilst arriving with Annabelle

“Senior, junior! It’s all the same” Tina shrugged

“You guys need to leave…now” Annabelle said

“Are you going to make us Barbie?” Ian teased

“No, I will” Alex said whilst stepping forward

  “Whatever, we were leaving anyway- let’s go Primrose” Ian said whilst pushing past Alex

“No, she stays” Annabelle interrupted

“I thought you said this was a senior corridor!” Tina said

“Senior, junior- it’s all the same” Alex shrugged

Ian and Tina left without Primrose, they weren’t happy about it

“What do you want?” Primrose blurted out once they were alone

“What are you doing with them?” Annabelle asked calmly

“What do you care?” Primrose hissed

“I don’t, I'm just curious” Annabelle said

“All you care about is Henry right?” Primrose asked impatiently

“That’s what all this is about?” Alex asked

Annabelle laughed

“Look, I don’t want to talk to her” Primrose frowned

Alex sighed and looked at Annabelle

“I’ll wait for you” Annabelle said whilst turning to leave, but she stopped after a second and turned back. “You should know something, Henry will never date you- let alone like you…he's into people who know what they want…besides I have the one thing that you will never get” Annabelle said

“And what’s that?” Primrose sneered

“His respect!” Annabelle said icily, she then left

Primrose had tears in her eyes

“What are they up to?” Alex asked

Primrose let a tear run down her cheek. “It doesn’t matter, it’s too late”

“Let me be the judge of that” Alex said

“I can’t, Elijah will kill me!” Primrose sobbed

“Tell me, we can help you” Alex assured her

“You don’t understand; they’re not humans- they’re Titans!” Primrose blurted out. It took her a second to realise what she had said. She froze in fear

The Uprising: Book OneМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя