Chapter 17: Struck By Lightning

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The next morning an assembly was called. The students lined up as usual, but a man that was never seen before stepped forward on stage. He was a handsome man, probably in his early forties. "Students...I know after dreadful the incident that took place last night, you all must be very frightened...but I assure you that something like that will never take place again. I have enforced new security and I assure you that your safety is of paramount importance to me and them. The academy has the reputation it does only because of the standard of excellence that it has set. I understand the lives of many will be mourned and a lot of you will want to return home for the weekend, I urge you to do so. But the academy will not close, not for any reason. So those who choose to stay, you can be assured that everything will be taken care off. All parents and carers have been informed of the incident and the ongoing investigation for it... A few of them are already here to collect you, but before that, let us have a moment of silence for the lives lost... "

Everyone in the assembly bowed their heads and remained silent till the man spoke again

"My name is Charles and I am your new vice chancellor and temporary history lecturer. You may all call me Chuck. There will be counsellors who will be readily available at all hours of the day should you need to talk to someone, my doors will also be open. An event like that isn't one that easily can be forgotten. But let us try to move on from that dark chapter and work together to heal... I'm sorry to each and every one of you but my word is my bond, I will do everything in my power to make sure nothing like that ever happens again... Dismissed" Chuck said


Elijah was staring out the window of his apartment when Henry joined. "Finally awake... I need you to do something for me" Elijah said

"What is it?"

"I need you to go to Virginia and get me a witch"

"Because they're so easy to find"

"I'll send you the address. Her name is Miranda, she owns a bar there. I'd go myself, but I'm a bit preoccupied"

"It's fine, been a while since I've been there anyway" Henry said whilst turning to leave

"Make sure you come back with her"


"Yeah thanks again, for coming on such notice Chuck!" Zac said on the phone, a muffled response was heard before he cut the call

"Chuck is the new vice chancellor" Zac told everyone at breakfast

"Does he know what happened?" Jason asked

"Chuck is a supernatural being as well. But yes he knows everything" Zac replied

"Is he a god as well?" Andrea asked

"He's a centaur, he just hides his true form" Haley said

"How could he do that, he's a half horse, half man..." Aster trailed of to himself

"Is Chuck his real name?" Carmen asked

"He's real name is Chiron" Phillip said

"He's a legend!" Jason stated

"Exactly why we called him" Zac nodded

"When are you guys leaving? The longer you leave it, the harder it'll get" Ashley said

"I know, but we have Tony to help" Zac said

"It'll be hard tracking her but I'll try. Do any of you have anything of hers that I could use?" Antonio asked the gang

"Nothing with us, but would something on her be of use?" Dante' asked

"It's worth a try, but it would have to be something really important to her...something she's attached to, has a bond with" Antonio shrugged

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