Are You Okay?

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Billie's head was pounding, she could barely keep her eyes open, but she heard the crowd cheering her name over the roars of her hungry stomach and couldn't let them down. "Billie, you're on!" A man called out. Billie took a deep breath. Maggie, Finneas, and Billie all stood up.

Maggie grabbed her phone to record, while Finneas glared at Billie and tried to grab her shoulder before she heads on stage, but she doesn't even turn back to check who it was. Finneas shrugged it off grabs his guitar.

Billie walks forward and smiles at the crowd. The crowd screams with excitement, almost covering the sound of a "My Boy" remix playing in the background. The remix fades out, and the instrumental of Bellyache begins to play.

She swings her arms to the beat the crowd gets extremely hyped up, jumping and reaching their arms closer to the stage. Billie giggled while singing and kneeled down to touch some of their hands, but her eyes kept blurring and losing vision, causing her to miss each hand.

The fans looked at her confused and concerned, starting to call out and ask if she's okay. Finneas begins to glare at Billie and step closer to her. She pushes him away and starts slurring the phrase "where's my mind?" Before falling off stage from exhaustion. The crowd screams in horror and Finneas quickly reaches over to peel her off of the concrete floor. The security guards grab her and Finneas to run backstage, while a man backstage steps out to calm the audience down. "Don't worry folks! I'm sure Billie's okay! She might just need some water that's all." The man says, hoping his own words are true.

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