Annoying things to do on an elevator

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Annoying things to do on an elevator:

1) stand silent and motionless in the corner facing the wall without getting off.

2) greet everybody with a warm handshake and ask them to call you admiral.

3) MEOW occasionally

4) stare at another person for a while. Then announce: "you're one of them" and back away slowly.

5) say "DING" at each floor

6) make explosion noises whenever someone clicks a button

7) Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and then announce to the person "this is my personal space"

8) When there is only one another person on the elevator then poke them and then act like it wasn't you.

9) Drop a pen cheesingly and wait for someone to pick it up. When someone does, yell: "THATS MINE!"

10) call out "GROUP HUG!" Then enforce it.

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