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Hey my beautiful children :D YOU LOOK MAGNIFICENT TODAY! :D

Your first response: okay, what do you want?

Well I have a friend that has a book called: The Confessions of Social Outcast.

And she only has like a little over 100, and less than 200 reads. It would make me so happy, with the like 3k people that read this book, to read this book. Her user is Lavenderstem. PLEASE DO THIS. IT WILL CAUSE HAPPINESS IN SOMEBODIES LIFE. Also you can check out the OT game. Which I think has like 200 reads or something. It would really mean a lot to her, and it would be a great present from you, to me, to her. She wants to be an author when she gets older, and this would really get her motivated. SO PLEASE READ IT. PWEASE :)

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