La femme (TFP Arcee x Cybertronian Reader)

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I don't know the lyrics because I don't speak le French. Anyway I it fits with this.

"Do you know what's the worst thing about serial killers?"


"That not all of them are caught"

"Roger that" Jack said to Agent Fowler

"As you will all know many reports have been sent out these days Prime, they are originally from Paris" Agent Fowler stated as he spread the documents on the table. Each one of them had information and photographs of a missing persons.

"Paris? You mean Paris, France?" asked Miko excitedly. "What's a Paris France?" Bulkhead asked Miko. "It's a place with a lot of romantic couples and a funny tower but it's a nice place according to some pictures". She pulled up her phone showing some images she had saved not too long ago to the Autobots.

"That looks like a nice place indeed" Wheeljack joined he leaned over his wrecker friend while trying to scroll the screen. "Agent Fowler I am very sorry, but I don't see any connection between us and the missing victims, what I mean is that this is happening somewhere else, not even in Jasper" she confessed.

"Arcee is right, we can't afford helping people that located in the outskirts of Jasper or further away, as far as I know we are only here to stop the Decepticons, What do you say Optimus?" Ratchet intervened as soon as he overheard the conversation from his position.

"Could you please tell us more about the incidents Agent Fowler, maybe there is something that we can do to help" The prime asked. Fowler smiled and immediately went through a door he came back carrying a portfolio, he opened it and spread out some more photographs. "As I was saying earlier there has been more missing people all ages: elderly, children, but most of all young adults, teenagers" Agent Fowler explained as he accommodated the photographs. "The authorities from Paris have not found any suspects and everyday someone is missing the only thing we know is that the majority have been disappearing in this area" The man took out a map of France and pointed at the location. "So we need to search there, in a city?" Arcee asked concerned.

"Let me tell you that this place is like no other" Agent Fowler got a pen and traced a huge circle around the area "This place is where the Catacombs are located". "But that's not all" he turned his attention to the portfolio "For Gods sake where is it?" He kept searching in all the mess.

"The French authorities sent this to the pentagon they suspect some alien activity has been occurring since the last 5 months" Everyone in the team gathered around and stared at the image. "Wait is that?" Smokescreen was shocked. "Another Autobot? Or Decepticon?" Ultra Magnus asked. "Beep Beep Boop (I think it's a femme!)" The yellow scout beeped.

"It looks like another femme Autobot to me" Wheeljack added he didn't seem to be affected by everyone's glances at him, specially Arcee. "She must be about her height and doesn't appear to have wings" Miko sneaked in to get a better look.

"Autobot or Decepticon, she is causing trouble to humans" Arcee said almost losing her pistons. "Arcee, we still don't know if she is the one causing trouble, but we must go to her immediately before the Decepticons notice" The mighty Prime said to comfort her. Arcee nodded in agreement but she was still pissed off.

"Ratchet open the groundbridge" with that said, the whole team save for Ratchet and the kids went into the portal. Miko tried to sneak like always, but this time she was stopped by Jack and Raf.

They exited the groundbridge, to their surprise the sky was dark but with stars, the streets where dead empty. Only yellow lights on the streets gave some opaque sight. "This place looks kinda dead right Optimus" Jackie said "We should stay together, we don't know this place it's nothing like Jasper" Smokescreen proposed as he scanned the place with his optics. Bulkhead was about to say something but just then he noticed it "Hey! Everyone it's the tower Miko told us about!" Wheeljack stood beside him and looked at the same direction "But I don't see any romantic couples".

Transformers One shots (REQUESTS CLOSED.. I HAVE TO CATCH UP LOL)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon