Go Out (TFA Bumblebee x Femme Reader)

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"In formation everyone!" The Sentinel prime jerk guy called out to everyone. It was new to me, I only applied to be an elite guard, but unfortunately the officer was just a pain in the aft when I first met him.

My luck couldn't be worst only five bots showed up in formation. All mechs! 'Oh no what am I going to do?! Oh don't panic there only mechs' I thought to calm myself.

"All right everyone, I have an announcement a new bot is going to join, remember to include, you are a team, WE ARE A TEAM! No one works alone or is left behind.. UNDERSTOOD!" The guy yelled on top of his lungs.

"Yes Sir!" everyone spoke evenly. Sentinel gave a satisfying smile. "Good, (Y/n) Come here! and show these glitchheads what your made of" I sighed and walked towards him.

"Yes sir" I answered firmly "Very well, show what you can do, darling". He said close to my audio receptor 'Darling?! Ok?'.

I only nodded and jumped high up, pulling out my shuriken hitting the center of the target. "I see you are a good shooter just like Wasp". The officer told me quite surprised. "He is not the only one!" The little yellow bot protested. "Don't interrupt cadet!". "Thank you" I said while stretching side to side "And quite flexible".

"Yes sir" I answered. He nodded in response "Very well you are going to have plenty of time to get to know your peers.. Now! Everyone in formation, we are starting..." I hope the training goes well.

'Some super fun surprise on each corner' I sang out loud while aiming at the practice guns. 'And if they knock, knock me over, I will get back up again... oh, if something goes a little wrong will you can go ahead and bring it on 'cause if you knock knock me over I will get back up again, woah oh oh oh oh oh... Oh Ahhhhh!!!!' I yelled at mechs that were standing there watching me sing for I don't know how much time. "Ahhh!!" They all yelled in response.

I felt extremely embarrassed. "Do you always sing when you're training?" Big green mech asked. "Y-yeah". "Well that's amazing, oh.. I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm bumblebee" he stretched his servo I shook it in return "(Y/n)" I said looking him straight in the optics. He looked away he seemed uncomfortable by making contact. "I'm Bulkhead, Bumblebee's friend" he gave me a smile. "Longarm, pleasure too meet you (Y/n) I hope you feel welcome" I shook his servo looking straight into his optics. "It's a pleasure too meet you too Longarm" giving me an affirmative nod in return.

I later knew Wasp and Ironhide, they were alright. With time I got along with everyone, it was perfect.

Bumblebee POV

(Y/n) was a very energetic femme she was skilled to become an Elite Guard. Her moves, her optics everything was perfect. But lately she's been missing class or cutting class. She would ask to go out to the washrooms and never come back after the lesson is done or after training. She will always come in running and tired.

Something wasn't right about her actions I asked her about the runoffs. "It's fine it's just... I try to have fun when I got a chance". "Fun where?" I asked confused, is she being invited to somewhere . "Ohh if you just knew" she laid back resting her helm on her arms. "I really need to know where you are going, me and the others are worried you're missing" I somehow managed to convince her. "Very well" she leaned towards me and whispered on my audio receptor "Follow me and don't come alone". After saying this she left.

"I am not lying! Guys you have to believe me! (Y/n) has given me instructions to follow her". I told Bulkhead and Longarm, both gave me confused looks "Are you sure it's not other of your pranks like the ones you put on Sentinel?" Longarm asked concerned. "No it's not, look we have training together and we will meet in a certain spot, right behind the rocks to avoid anyone and–". (Y/n) was passing by, looking at me and gave a nod to continue. It appears that she clearly knew what I was intending. I turned around only to see that the others noticed her too. "So.. are we meeting?" Bulkhead asked rocking on his feet. We all nodded in agreement. We were going to skip training.

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