Footprints (G1 Soundwave x Cybertronian Reader) Part 2

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@DaughterofHalt you asked for this so here you go..

Soundwave stood shocked he couldn't believe what he just heard. Was it possible? Has (Y/n) gone mad? Deep inside, it hurt him, but that night. His children had been struck by the lightning during the storm. Rumble and Frenzy were running outside in the rain tagging each other. Soundwave called them to get inside but they wouldn't listen, they were sparklings, they wouldn't listen until someone comes to get them.

The blue mech gave up and went back to the living room sitting next to you. Both grabbed a book and read for a while. Everything was fine nothing bad could happen. Or that's what we thought.

A big flash of lightning lit up the whole sky followed by a crash. Soundwave startled from his seat when everything shook violently, he supported himself grabbing my arm and the edge of the couch. I looked at him "The kids!" We both said to each other we ran outside looking everywhere calling desperately for them, my peripheral vision caught a spark in the distance. I ran towards the twinkling light, my two angels were on the ground.

Their frames were completely burnt almost deteriorating "Soundwave there here!" I lift up Rumble carefully, he twitched when he was held I took him closer. "He is Okay! How's Frenzy?".

The mech took him into his arms, he started scanning his small body. Soundwave didn't say anything he stood there for a moment. Staring. Suddenly he fell on his knees and hugged him closer, he shook his helm.

There was no need for words I just knew what happened. "M-mom" My attention drove immediately at Rumble. "Sweetie! I'm gonna take you and your brother to a doctor, don't fall into stasis, stay with me got it?". "Ok mommy". He answered weakly. Me and Soundwave got moving.

We arrived at the base where they immediately attended both. The only thing we had left was hope. After waiting for hours the bots approached to us with saddened faces. "I'm sorry, but Frenzy passed away, the impact of the lightning was just huge, it burned all his circuits and inner functions".

"And Rumble keeps trembling nonstop, he had some serious damages we did our best in removing all the crisped cables, unfortunately his spark chamber is working slowly, it can shut down at any moment, you can see him this way" the bot led us to a room.

Rumble was in a berth shaking uncontrollably his face lit up in joy when he saw us "M-Mom.. D-Dad!" He struggled to sit up and reach his arms up to us.

"Don't do that you're going to hurt yourself" Soundwave warned while gently hugging him. He was trembling. I joined the embrace. I kissed his warm cheek. He was smiling.

"I should've listened when you called us.. dad" Soundwave caressed his helm "No son, it was my fault, you and your brother were just having fun".

"Where's Frenzy.. is he alright?". He asked us. I only looked down in response holding my whimpers. Rumble gasped and leaned back breathing violently. I immediately called for someone. But by the time they arrived, he was stable again. This time they didn't leave in case it happened again. "That means I can't play with Frenzy, right mommy?" He said weakly.

I shook my helm and apologized to my son for he would no longer play with his brother.

Rumble seemed to understand and nodded, he gave a sympathetic smile "But you can play with me right—mommy?" He glitched. I startled when he jerked forward "We can play outside—tag in the r-rain right m-mommy?".

I saw the monitor that was lowering the sinus rhythm. His spark will be gone at any moment. Rumble noticed my nervousness "What is it mom?" He turned around but I grabbed him gently making him look at me. "Yes, darling we will play in the rain outside, we will jump on the ponds with daddy, ok? We can make mud cakes anything you want baby! We will run like if there were no tomorrow" the rate was going lower; Soundwave joined us before it was too late. "We will always be there for you Rumble" Soundwave said. Our sparkling was so overwhelmed by the words being said to him "I-I love you mommy (Y/n) and daddy Sounders" he got between us enjoying the warmth; he leaned closer, we could feel his spark beating I closed my optics for a moment before being  interrupted by the continued beeping of the monitor. He had passed away.

The bots ran and tried their best to bring him back. It was unsuccessful, he was gone. I stood there in shock seeing his lifeless body being transferred to other room. 

The last time I saw him and his brother. It hurt me deeply but I wanted to keep his words. These memories were stuck in my processor it's the only thing I could focus on, the kids, the games.. the rain.

Thoughts were overcasting me. It was raining again.

"(Y/n).. (Y/n)! We need to leave".

I didn't respond nor react. Soundwave grabbed me by my arm. We were soon outside running towards the Decepticon base. My vision became blurry with the raindrops falling into my optics, preventing me from seeing. I could feel the heavy wind hit my back, my legs felt weak, my strength was disappearing with every step taken.

I gently managed to release myself from Soundwave's grip. I found myself laying in a puddle of mud because of my lack of stability. Everything from me was taken away in a blink.

Soundwave got on his knees holding me, he reached for his com to get help. It was hard to tell what he was saying. I supported my helm on his thighs and looked up at the sky, allowing the rain fall in my face. My spark was slowly beating.

The big gray sky was all I could see, but then suddenly two small figures were blocking the sky, their mouths were smiling. As they stood there above me, I felt no need to fear them, my spark felt warm, My sons! I reached up to touch them they only backed up a little.

"Mom you came to play with us!" Frenzy shouted excitedly. "Yes mom!" Rumble followed.

"M-my boys you are fine!" My optics widened to its maximum, I wanted to get up and hug them but something was preventing me from doing so. "Yes ma, And you are dirty! Get up so we can play tag together!" Rumble encouraged walking backwards and grabbing Frenzy by the arm to give me space.

My efforts were in vain, I was immobile! "Sorry sweetie, but mommy can't stand up" I sighed "Mommy needs your help". Rumble and Frenzy were staring at each other with concerned looks. "Are you sure mommy?" Both asked at the same time. "Daddy will be disappointed if you don't do it by yourself" Frenzy added.

"It's okay, daddy is going to be alr—Ahhhh" I groaned in pain, pain from my spark. Soundwave was trying to carry me to the base. He immediately put me down, as soon as he heard me. Poor mech, he has no idea what was I going into. "Stay with me (Y/n) help is on its way". He lowered his helm at my level removing his faceplate exposing his dermas. He pressed himself against me giving me a passionate kiss. It's been cycles since the last time we ever kissed like that. Probably while we procreated. "I am here, please don't leave me" his warm breath hit my face.

My stabilizers were finally responding, I hold onto him. My legs were still trying to respond. I looked up my sparklings where not anywhere to be found. It took me a moment to know they were gone. Gone for good, to a better place.

Once again I drove my attention up to Soundwave. he looked shocked. He looked at me back. "Look (Y/n) this is hard to believe". I turned around only to see small footprints on the side of the puddle. He hold me closer.

We later noticed that the whole team was standing behind us looking at the same direction we were.

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