A Day Like This (Knockout x Breakdown x Femme Reader)

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I hope you guys enjoy my first one shot (I recommend to skip the video near minute 2:10 when you get to that part in the story)
Anyways enjoy!!

I was walking in the halls of the Nemesis, thinking of how much time had passed since I've been online and I didn't have a chance to give myself a proper celebration even though, my birthday was tomorrow. In fact, most of my time have been inverted on the Decepticon cause, always on duty, it wasn't much, only having small encounters with Autobots and patrolling the ship without having contact with any vehicons, with a little luck, I've always be getting orders at some time. Maybe I didn't get that much attention for being the smallest and ONLY femme on board, but that didn't mean I wasn't allowed to communicate to someone else.

I reached my berthroom without noticing a small pile of energon blocks at the entrance. I stepped back after feeling the solid surface of these curious edible pieces, almost falling on my back, after balancing myself up, right and straight. I bend over to pick up the abandoned sweets and saw a note at the top of the energon it had written
Hey (Y/n)!! Please meet me at the medbay tomorrow evening. I've got something for you! Hope you enjoy the treats I also made!
P.s: Make sure no one sees you

Maybe I wasn't that isolated, because I got along very well with Breakdown and his egocentric friend Knockout, we were buddies and we will always tease each other in a nice friendly way. Breakdown was like the big brother I've always wanted, even though I didn't have siblings. He was nice and caring, he'd always be there for me, so did Knockout, but the red cherry mech also had a kinky touch, which Im grateful for, because he made our conversations much more interesting and will always end up bursting in laughter. Making the other vehicons on board confused of our crazy and sudden laughs. Although we didn't care.

"I wonder what this big guy has prepared for me, I can't wait! for now, resting is my best option, tomorrow is going to be a long evening " I said it out loud to myself feeling warmth in my spark while accommodating in my small size berth.

The next morning I woke up from stasis, it was early enough for someone to be awake in the nemesis. I stretched after leaving my berth and reached out for the treats I received last night. To my surprise, they were very good!, it was sweet and dissolved easily when it made contact with my glossa creating fusion, I was so lost in its flavor, created by the very Allspark. A taste from the heavens, that has come to me, a small femme, who no one cared that much about. "Primus, Breakdown sure knows how to make sweets...Happy Birthday (Y/n)."

The halls were quiet and lonely "looks like I got myself a playground for me alone" I spoke, in a low tone. And started walking towards the medbay, hoping if I could see my buddies and ask about the energon Breakdown made and thank him for taking the time of...making, baking, cooking? Primus, Who knows.

I wandered my way towards the Medbay and found on the floor a tiny ball made out of scrap metal, at the moment I was intrigued, probably some con made it on their free time, it was the most logical thing to think, or what if the Warlord took the time to make it and tease Starscream with it, striking at him while the seeker screamed annoyed. it was such a dumb thought but it was possible...too possible. I laughed at my own thought and decided to pick it up, I turned around, when suddenly I came across Starscream, he showed up from nowhere, making me startle. The seeker grabbed my arm and pulled me into him. "Did I scare you (Y/n)?". A huge grin formed across his narrow face. "Of course you did!" I snapped back at him, while I forced a distance between his skinny sticklike arms and me, he chuckled at my pointless struggle, it was obvious, he was skinny and tall, yet strong compared to my small body structure.

"So tell me (Y/n)... what are you doing up so early? I thought your work schedule started later or has there been a change without notifying me first?, he asked me while leaning closer. "I uhh...well no, there has not been a change on my schedule, I simply got out for a wa-", I was interrupted at the touch of his dermas on mine, I felt odd and indignant. I wasn't expecting a kiss from the seeker without my consent, with a fast move I pulled away from him, grabbed the ball I still had and threw it, hitting right into his optic. He started cursing out loud with a servo covering his targeted optic, I rushed out of there reaching my berthroom, the sliding doors opened making me enter, I knew it was going to be a long solar cycle, I just want to see my friends at the end and avoid Starscream as long and far as I could manage to, he's unpredictable and I'm unaware of his next move. Meanwhile I have to get on task.

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