Dance Magic Part 1

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As fine afternoon, the R.A.E. Gang & the Rainbooms were having a car wash at Canterlot High building. A jacketless Sunset Shimmer readied a soapy towel from a bucket of sudsy water, racing over to a dirty red pickup truck that was parked in the lot. 

Pinkie:  *chanted rhythmically as she waved her arms in the direction she was screaming* To the right! To the right! To the left! To the left! *repeated, standing underneath a banner for a car wash hanging upon the CHS building* Now up! Now up! Bring it down! Spin it around! *kept going, sounding as if she was rapping as she made several movements*

Sunset, Maria, May & Applejack rushed by and wiped the suds onto the muddy vehicle

Pinkie: Wash that car like you mean it! Come on! *cried out to them*

Fluttershy & Serena readied a hose, firing a gush of water that almost struck her pals as they lunged away quickly, smiling all the while. After she had rinsed it completely, Rarity & Dawn stood beside her and spun two black blow dryers in her left hand, aiming it towards the vessel before turning it on. The whirring sound of it producing hot air dried up the remainder of the water still on the truck, allowing for the partier girl to step in as she had a pair of spongy mittens over her hands. Using them, she wiped away the last of the droplets that were still present, finishing with making the nose look especially shiny. It turned out to be Big Macintosh's vehicle as small puddles of suds were all around it from being washed. Rainbow Dash then approached as he handed her a dollar bill, which she happily took.

Rainbow: *laughed excitedly* Hah! Thanks, Big Mac! *thanked him in gratitude as he nodded, turning the keys to his truck to rev up the engine and drive away in a matter of seconds* Sweet! *exclaimed with a pump of her fists* More cash to add to the stash! *remarked as Applejack approached her*

May: Alright! *raised her fist up high* Our hardwork is really paid off!

Dawn: Now we can save Camp Everfree in no time! 

Pinkie: Woo-hoo! *cheered excitedly, popping right in between them and waving her mittens excitedly*

Rarity: Huh... *breathed out as she wiped her forehead, evidently exhausted*  How about a little break? All of this sunshine and suds are doing a number on my hair. *pointed out while rolling her eyes*

Maria: You're right, Rarity. It's really hot out here. *grabbed a cooler* I guess that we could really refresh ourselves.

May: *agreed with Maria* Ditto. We've wash all the cars all day.

Everyone agreed, gathering together moments later by a cooler case filled with orange soda, drinking them down to quench their thirsts. As Sunset was about to grab another, she noticed a nine of them floating up in water-shaped hand, widening her eyes in surprise before smirking in realization.

Sunset: Guess you guys are feeling the heat too, huh? *inquired as coming up to the boys were Riku, Fang, Ash, Yugi, Sora, Kiku, Alfred, Earth & Water who was holding nine orange sodas with his Water Power*

Yugi: We just finished up with a few more cars. *told the group, letting Earth hand a few more dollar bills to Rainbow Dash, who eagerly took them into their hands*

Sunset: Thanks for coming by the way. I know this might seem a little mellow by your usual standards... *noted nervously as she smiled*

Sora: Oh, it's nothing! *reassured with a wave of her right hand before sipping his drink* Me & my friends were more than happy to let us come along.

Serena: Yeah! *agreed with Sora as Spike came*  We're doing this for Camp Everfree. we would be happy to help you.

Water: *nodded with a smile* Also we love hanging out with you, girls. Especially Twily. *blushed blissfully*

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