Danger Line Chapter 6 Bulletproof Heart

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Okay, so this chapter is really, really fucking weird. I got really pissed off at Alec. Thus, the next bit. It's going to get a bit more cliche before it gets... not-cliche.

Alec storms away from the Dining Room, leaving his unfinished spaghetti unattended and forgotten. Magnus had that grin, those words... Those words. They ring through Alec's ears, like a fire, a fire in his mind and a burning in his heart that can't be extinguished no matter how desperately Alec wants it to die. He wants those words gone; he wants them purged from his filthy mind. He doesn't want to think about what Magnus said, he doesn't want to think about being sent here and what happened just before he was sent off. He just doesn't want to fucking think about it. He doesn't want anyone to know, he doesn't want to be this torn up over tossed-around words that shouldn't hurt like this, shouldn't make him so doesn't want to be hurt so much by the sting of words delivered by someone who knows nothing about him or his situation. But it burns, despite all he wishes and pleads for, it burns behind his eyelids and his numb anger, blasted rage and pain is receptive to it all.

Your family couldn't stand all of these ridiculous things. Your family couldn't stand all of these ridiculous things. Your family couldn't stand all of these ridiculous things.

The words repeat in Alec's mind like a song he can't get out of his head, a rhythm he can't escape from his heart. They mold them selves into his head with scalding thoughts; destroy his barriers that he made to hold him back from completely breaking down. He's going down, so much worse than ever before. Worse than the chaos his mind was brought when he wrote that wretched poem, oh it's much worse. Alec's blind in his despair, a thousand paper cuts digging into a deer sword slash of words and behavior across his body. He can't think straight, he can't see through the harassment he's endured up until now and his own pathetic, salty tears.

He's on the edge and falling off, and it's all over for him. He's fucking done pretending, done with being scared. He's fucking done with all the shit he's done to himself because of the people who are always supposed to love him but don't, pretending that he's not a person, done pretending to be everyone else in their plastic similarity. He needs something big, something dangerous that helped get him kicked out to this damn school in the first place.

Alec walks into his room, slamming the door, his eyes glistening with nothing but the rush of blood that eggs on his rage. He plugs his headphones into his iPod, pushing each one into an ear. He turns the sound up as high as it'll go, so high that Alec could hear it across the room even if they weren't in his ears. He turns on 5th Period Massacre by LeATHERMOUTH, and smirks. He loves the screaming front man, the barely discernable lyrics but the pure hate and revenge that sounds out in its own vendetta, the message clear as a bell and even if he can't make out the words he knows them so well.

Killed my hopes (Revenge)

Called me names (Revenge)

Broke my jaw (Revenge)

It's always the same (Revenge)

Nobody listens

Nobody listens

Nobody listens

There's no escape

I'm just like you

Gave you everything

Nobody loves me

It's making me insane

Killed my hopes (Revenge)

Called me names (Revenge)

Broke my jaw (Revenge)

Danger Line (Malec)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora