Danger Line Chapter 1 I Hate Everything About You

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  • Dedicated to Elizzel

Danger Line Chapter 1: i Hate Everything About You

Fandom: The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

Pairing: Malec (Magnus/Alec)

Rating: M


Summary: When Alec is shipped off to a boarding school across the country,  will he be able to exist in a noiseless explosion that goes unnoticed like he wants?Or will his roommate keep him sane? AH AU.


Alec sighs, pushing his sunglasses higher up on his nose. His first day in New York, his first day on his way to a shiny new boarding school. His first day being so separated from his family, his first day to try and forget the incident that caused him to be shipped out to New York. His first day in a brand new Hell.

He impassively stares at the scenery as the cab trudges down the roads, taking him to Idris Boarding School. The sun is bright overhead, almost as if it's mocking him. Mocking him with its cheerfulness, mocking him with its ability to forget everything unsettling and just shine. Mocking him with its attention hogging ways. Mocking him because it reminds him of the siblings he can no longer be with, siblings he can no longer even consider siblings. It's their fault he's here, their fault he's alone in a new state and a new home and its their fault that his thoughts have become so cynical. It's partially their fault, actually, because his parents certainly did play a rather tectonic role in the incident.

But Alec doesn't want to talk about it, hell, he doesn't even want to think about it. Doesn't want to think about the sneers and bruises, the pain and misery and Hell, he said he didn't want to think about it. Why is he thinking about it? It's not as if he can control his thought process, exactly, but he should know better than to think of things that cause his heart to clench and draw up painful memories. he should be able to handle the memories, though. He should be strong enough to not feel despair swirling up inside him when he thinks about what he did, and what they did in response. He shouldn't be so damn weak.

He can't stand being weak. He's going to get stronger, though. He's already begun, he's cut everyone who so much as attempted to strike up a mundane conversation off with a curt glare a given off the hint heavily that no, he doesn't want to fucking talk. Why would he want to talk? He doesn't want to talk. So why would he? Everyone should just mind their own business and stay the fuck away from him. It would make the world just that much better if he kept his personal opinions, well, personal. Why do all those people try to talk to him, he obviously radiates apathy. Fucking idiots.

Alec has reasons to hate the world, same as every teenager except possibly more extreme, but he certainly doesn't plan on sharing with anyone any time soon. Or ever. He's locked up inside and he's long since discarded the unnecessary key. Keys aren't useful if they're never going to be used, after all. And Alec hates useless things. Might be a bit why he hates himself so much. He's certainly not useful, not normal and not 'acceptable', as his parents said when they found out. They then proceeded to do things Alec would never consider acceptable, but they warped that word to suit their own purposes. Besides, they got their perfect socialite children in the forms of Jace and Isabelle, Alec's siblings. Isabelle related to him by blood, Jace adopted, but neither of them of any importance to him. Not anymore.

But Alec is looking forward to one thing. His baby brother, Max. The boy was shipped off to New York when his obsession with manga and video games became too much for Alec's parents to handle. He hasn't seen Max in nearly a year, and they can hang out on the week ends now. Alec can remember his brother being more comfortable with abnormality than the rest of his family, but being with the boy may be difficult. Being with anyone has always been difficult for Alec, but more so since the incident. But Alec will still hide in his dark colored hoodie, keep all of his secrets locked up within the folds of the fabric. It's one of his favorite band sweaters, and while it's thin layered and too big Alec can't wear enough of it.

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