Chapter 12

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A horrible stench slowly peeled my body out of my sleep, like trying to drag a dead body through jello. When I finally came to, I realized that that stench wasn't just something unpleasant from my dreams, but rather wafted through the air around me in real life. I didn't think it was possible for that smell to be any more putrid, but now that I was awake, I was proved wrong. 

I tried to move, but a sticky substance pulled at my skin, causing a shooting pain over my whole body. I began to panic as I remembered what had last happened to me before I passed out.

"Help!" I tried to shout, but my voice cracked and came out more as a whisper. I clawed at the floor for a bit, but eventually realized my attempts were useless. 

I felt the sticky substance some more with my fingers and soon discovered that that was what the majority of the odor was coming from. It was thick and warm...

...and red.


I was laying in a puddle of my own blood. Alone. And who knows how long I had been lying there?

Once more, I tried to move out of the spot I was in, but instead of feeling pain, I felt numbness. 

I suddenly realized that Colby wasn't coming. No one was coming. My limbs weren't winning this fight. As hard as I willed them to move, they didn't. They decided to rest instead. I took a deep breath and let a tear fall. I couldn't die this way. I'd never see any of the roommates again. And Colby, Sam, and Jake... They would blame themselves. 

The small movements I could make with my fingers mocked me. If only I could move my whole body and get myself out of this place. If only I could scream at the top of my lungs and the boys would hear me and come to my rescue. If only, if only...


Yeah, I know. Really short chapter. Sorry about that! Just wanna get you all pumped for the next few chapters! I have some good ideas forming and can't wait to put them on paper! As always, I try to update as often as I can. I've had a bad case of writer's block for the past couple weeks, but I'm hoping that I'm getting over it. Something that would be super helpful to me would be if all my readers, especially if they came from my book of oneshots and started at Chapter 8 or something, could go back and vote on all the other chapters of this book. You probably voted for them on my book of oneshots, but it really helps if you vote for them here, too. Thanks so much! Tell me what you think about this story in the comments. 💕

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