Chapter 14

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When I woke up, the change of scenery was blinding. White, sterile walls instead of dark, cement ones. The loud beeping of some sort of machine made my head hurt. When I looked around me, I could see that I was connected to many machines around me. 

I stared up at the ceiling in my own thoughts for several minutes until a nurse peeked her head behind the curtain. When she saw my eyes drift towards her face, she smiled and walked over.

"How are you feeling?" she asked. I just looked at her, not changing my facial expression. I didn't know how I was feeling. All I remembered was so much pain, but I didn't feel anything any more. I was numb.

"Nothing," I tried to say, but it just came out as a whisper. 

"You're on a lot of pain meds right now, so that might be why," she said.

"Colby?" I whispered.

"Would you like to see him?"

"Yes. Please." 

"Just a moment, and I'll go grab him." The nurse slipped behind the curtain.

A few footsteps later, Colby pushed aside the curtain. His smile was so wide I was afraid the corners of his mouth would jump off his face. In a flash he was by my side, reaching over me and wrapping me tightly in his arms.

"I'm so sorry," he whimpered.

"Sorry for what?" I asked, my voice still in a whisper. Colby broke the hug and put his hands on my shoulders, holding me an arms length apart from himself.

"For leaving you," he said. 

"I told you to leave."

"Yeah, but-"


"I know, I know. I just can't believe I listened to you. I could have prevented this."

"No, you couldn't have. But what you did do was prevent it from getting worse. Thank you for that."

Colby didn't respond but instead pulled me into another hug, being careful not to bump any of the wires that were connected to me.

"Can you tell me what happened, please, Colby?"

"Of course." Colby sat next to me on the bed and delicately held my hand in between his palms. "What can you remember so I know where to start?"

"Well, the last thing I remember is a ton of police and paramedics finding me almost dead and putting me in an ambulance. And you were there. But my whole body hurt so bad. I couldn't think of anything else. It all kinda stops there."

"Well, you passed out in the ambulance. That caused a lot more complications, but I don't really have a good understanding of medical stuff, so I don't know much of the details. They brought you to the ER, of course, and just got to work trying to keep you alive. I guess they did a good job, huh?"

I smiled. "Am I gonna be okay?" I asked.

"Uh, I think so? I mean right now you're not in very good shape, and I don't know how long the recovery process will be. But just know I'll be by your side through all of it, ok?"

"Thanks, Colby. Did they tell you what injuries I have?"

"Actually, not yet. Wanna ask the nurse?"


Colby went and got the nurse and when he returned sat down next to me on the bed. The nurse got out the clipboard and told us about the complications and injuries I had.

"The biggest fear by the time you got here was blood loss. We actually had a blood donor that matched yours so we were able to keep you alive and stop the bleeding. You have two broken ribs at the moment, one of which punctured your left lung, though we were able to get the excess air out and your lung should be healing on its on. Several deep cuts and scrapes were cleaned and bandaged, those as well should heal on their own with proper care. I'm afraid that your vaginal region was the biggest cause of concern. You were actually knocked out and we performed surgery due to a severe vaginal tear. There are stitches in there right now. They will dissolve and go away eventually."

I cringed from all the news I was getting. And stitches? In my vagina? Well, that's awkward. Colby excused the nurse and she gave us a quick nod and left.

Colby's hand reached out and grabbed mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. 

"It's all gonna be alright, Elowen," he purred. He shifted himself on the bed so he was facing me and gently placed his palm against my cheek. I let my head rest in his hand and cracked a teary smile.

"Remember, I'm with you every step of the way," Colby said. A small glimmer of hope seemed to break through the overwhelming darkness inside me, but my doubts quickly shut it down.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why what?"

"Why do you care for me so much? Why are you here with me? Why are you promising to be by my side throughout the whole recovery process?"

"Elowen," Colby began, "it's because I love you."

Abuse: A Colby Brock FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now