Chapter 10

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Is this what dying felt like? Losing touch with reality because all I wanted was to be sucked into the core of the earth? Being burned alive from the heat of the earth's core would be better than this.

When my father was finished with me and had pleasured himself enough, he removed my restraints and let me fall to the floor. I quickly grabbed my clothes and covered myself up with them. I didn't have the energy to put them all the way on, so I just draped them over my naked body. I pressed myself up against the cold wall to keep me as least exposed as possible.

I buried my face in my shirt and cried. I didn't dare look up. I didn't want to see the expressions on Sam, Colby, and Jake's faces. What were they thinking? Did they even care? Or did they just wish that they could have a turn? 

"Make her stop weeping," my father said as he unlocked the boy's restraints. "I'm sick and tired of her crying. She's so pathetic."

Sam was the first to be free, and he ran over to me. He took his own shirt off, not caring about the cold air that chilled his skin. 

"Here, put your arms in," he instructed. He slid his shirt over my head, averting his eyes politely. I shimmied into the shirt, embracing the warmth it still held from being against his body. 

I cried as I slid my underwear on. My skin burned from the contact with the rough fabric. It had been rubbed raw from the friction and the violence in which my father pleasured himself.

Suddenly, I was pulled into someone's arms. I panicked at first, but then realized that this person's touch was gentle, not like my fathers. Colby had rushed over the moment he was unchained and picked up my small frame and held me against his chest. His arms wrapped protectively around me. With my head against his chest, I could hear each breath and sob he let out. He rocked me back and forth as we both sobbed. 

Soon enough Jake was by Sam's side, silently watching as Colby cradled me in his arms. My father stood there silently, observing us. I wondered why he had unchained all of us. Did he really not think we would try to run away? I noted that the door was one that once locked from either side, couldn't be unlocked from the inside. That was how my father kept us trapped in here. At the moment, the door was slightly ajar; my father hadn't noticed when it hadn't latched before.

"You guys need to run," I whispered, so that just the boys could hear. "This is your only chance."

"But what about you?" Jake questioned.

"I'll hold him off. He's already gotten what he wanted out of me, so I shouldn't be scared of him doing that again," I explained. "Besides, I've dealt with this many times before. I know how to get out."

"Elowen, we're not gonna leave without you," Colby said.

"Yes, you are," I retorted. 

"No-" Sam interjected.

"Yes, you are! When I tell you to go, you are going to go! Whether you like it not! If you stay, then my father will probably repeat what he just did to me many times again. So, if you don't want me to go through that again, you are going to leave when I say so," I explained. I glared at them, trying to pound how serious I was into their brains.

"Elowen..." Colby said. I pulled away from his chest and looked into his eyes. For a single moment, all I could feel was my love towards the boy whose arms I was in, but that feeling quickly disappeared into the urgency of our situation. 

"I love you all," I said. I wrapped my arms around Colby's waist and squeezed him tightly. He kissed the top of my head.

"I love you, too, Elowen," he whispered. 

I looked over his shoulder to see that my father had busied himself with some of the chains on the wall. I took a deep breath and raised my voice.

"Now go. Go!"

Sam, Jake, and Colby shot up from the floor and sprinted to the door way. My father swiftly turned on his feet the moment I spoke and ran towards them, but I ignored the searing pain in my core and jumped in front of him, blocking his way. My legs were sore and trembled in front of me, but I held my ground.

"You little b*tch!" He yelled. He raised his hand and slapped me across the face. I yelped as the burning sensation spread across my face. But still, I didn't move. I held my ground even as he delivered several blows to my abdomen. I was crouched over in pain, but still fighting.

One last blow to my stomach was enough, though. With a silent scream, I fell forward, my throat and mouth was too full of blood for me to make any noise. I coughed up the remaining blood that choked me and grasped at the floor. My father stepped closer as my nails scraped the concrete floor, gritting my teeth through the pain. 

"I won't let you touch them," I spat, though my words were drowned out with low grunts and screams as my wounds worsened. 

"Look at you, tears streaming down your face and and blood falling from you mouth. You won't survive this." My father crouched near me and brushed his finger through the blood I had spat out. I dragged myself to the door I was blocking and leaned up against it before pressing the lock button, leaving us both trapped in the room.

"That was never my intention."

Abuse: A Colby Brock FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now