Chapter 5

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Without hesitation, Colby grabbed my hand, jumped to his feet, and bolted downstairs.

The sight before us was worse than any long nights I had spent with my father.

Corey was on his hands and knees, and an extremely sick sounding belch erupted from his mouth. Devyn was crouched down next to him, her hands on his shoulders and her eyes red from crying. Corey took heavy breaths as a sick sounding burp turned into a painful retch. His back arched wildly as dark brown sludge came barreling from his throat and splattered onto the floor. Before he could even take another breath, he was choking on another wave of vomit. Sam placed a trash can in front of him, catching the foul smelling bile.

"What do we do?" Devyn cried as Corey moaned in pain.

"I- I don't know!" Aaron said, rubbing his face in frustration.

"This is not normal," Sam stated.

"Agreed," Jake said.

"What could've caused him to suddenly be so sick?" I questioned. As we all talked over each other in a panic, I didn't notice Colby beginning to sway and resting his head in his hands. Him sitting down onto the steps caught the corner of my eye.


"I, uh, I don't feel so good," he groaned. He let out a painful sounding cough, catching everyone else's attention.

"Colby, Colby, no...." Sam whimpered, rushing over to his friend. Sam bent down in front of Colby and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Please don't be getting sick as well," he begged. Just as he said that, Colby violently vomited all over Sam's shoes.

"Oh gosh, oh gosh," I muttered. My stomach was beginning to feel nauseous, and I felt myself begin to lose control of my balance. Through my splotchy vision, I saw Jake sit down from what looked like complete exhaustion. His face was sickly pale.

"What is happening, god dang it!" Sam yelled.

Suddenly, an all too familiar voice was heard. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see who the voice belonged to. My legs began to tremble and I felt bile from my stomach begin to claw up my throat. Not him. Not him, I thought. Visions of my dream flashed before my eyes. The last thing I remembered before I blacked out was my father in our front hallway, laughing at our suffering. 

Abuse: A Colby Brock FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now