She nods again.

Jisoo pushes back her chair while taking another sip of her coffee. She grabbed her mouse and moved it around, clicking a few stuff here and there before turning her computer off.

"I'm gonna go ahead. I've got some errands to run before I head home." Jisoo, after finishing her coffee, grabbed the strap of her bag and placed it over her shoulder.

Seokjin briefly nods, "bye Jisoo. Take care."

"Bye Jin, take care too and," She paused. She parts her lips slightly before telling him, "good luck." With a tight-lipped smile and a final glance at her friend, she turns on her heel and exits the office, leaving the other all alone.

Once Jisoo had left the office, Seokjin breathed out a sigh. He spins his chair around as his eyes wandered all over the office scanning the lonely environment that was around him.

Yeah, he was all alone. Just like his life.

Spinning his chair around until he faces his computer, he grabs his mouse, clicked on a few stuff before typing on his keyboard so that he can finally finish his shift in the office and to go home and rest.

He, Kim Seokjin, is diagnosed with Hanahaki disease. An illness of where flowers flourish within the carrier until it clots the person's lungs, eventually suffocating them.

He had been throwing up flowers of Asters ever since before, and he had to live with it until it became a mundane routine. Those flowers with small petals that flourish within him, their roots that dig in his organs as if it were rich soil, his blood watering these flowers for them to grow, all of this was too painful.

But he had learned to cope with it.

He's been living with the disease for three and a half years, even before he moved to Australia. All because of one person.

Who is he in love with?

Kim fucking Namjoon. His smartass 'best friend'.

Who else knows about his disease?

Jisoo, and Namjoon...

Why didn't he confess earlier?

He did. Before leaving for the airplane, he walked up to Namjoon and told him that he loved him. He told him that he needed him and he told him that he was his world, the cure to his sickness.

And what did he do?

He rejected him. He wasn't in love with Seokjin. No. He only saw him as a brother and nothing more.

Nothing more that can heal his broken heart.

Nothing more that can cure him of the purple Asters that grow within him.

All that Seokjin wanted was for Namjoon to love him, but he didn't. A rejection that was so painful that by the time he got to the plane, he couldn't stop throwing up the Asters.

He had learned how to live with it. From changing his lifestyle, he had been living an 'okay' life like anyone else. But at the same time, he knew that this lifestyle of his couldn't keep him up for that much longer. Soon enough, this routine of his would stop working and eventually, the flowers would overpower him and kill him mercilessly.

Sighing at this thought, Seokjin stops working for a minute. He brought out a pen and a notebook from his bag. Opening the notebook to an empty page, he writes on it. 

Day 1341

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Day 1341

Work has been stressful and lonely, like always.

The flowers continue to grow. It's still painful. This lifestyle I've been living with, it's helping me a bit but, it's not enough to cure my disease. It only prolonged it, but it gets worse.

Somehow, I am still alive. For sure there should be a cure for this tormenting illness, something other than surgery, or even hopeless love.

I've been fighting the tempest for so long, but I could just feel that my life will soon fade away.

I don't want to take the surgery. I love him too much to do that.

Even if he doesn't love me back, I'll keep on fighting.

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