The Truth And Fighting Each Other

Start from the beginning

 "You?" Roman repeated confused, Seth shook his head yes.

 "What happened, Seth?" Zander questioned gently.

 "I...I followed him into the woods, we talked for a few minutes about our fight and he forgave us. We hugged, but pulled away when we heard you guys coming. Suddenly, he started mindlinking with Vassago, I...I tried to get him to fight it; not wanting Keeper to find out about it. He couldn't stop it though and passed out in my arms, you guys were so close and I...I panicked! I..."

 "You what, dammit?" Roman demanded angrily when Seth trailed off.

 "I...I saw a rock and I...I hit him in the head with it, before I made it look like he had tripped and fallen on it." Seth admitted sadly.

 "You hit him?" Roman said upset, as he went to move towards him, but Zander was quicker and stood between them, keeping Roman back.

 "I'm sorry, I...I panicked and..."

 "It's alright, Seth, we know you did it to keep his secret safe." Zander said, cutting him off; his words directed to Seth, but his eyes never left Roman.

 "What?" Roman asked shocked. "How can you guys be okay with what he did to Dean?" He demanded upset.

 "I...I'm sorry, dammit!" Seth yelled upset, tears in his eyes.

 "You're sorry, oh, that makes everything so much better, you bastard!" Roman yelled, as he tried to lunge at Seth, but Zander angrily pushed him back.

 "I'm sorry." Seth repeated looking at Dean, his tears falling, before he turned and left.

 "Roman!" Zander said upset. "That was uncalled for, he didn't do this to be malicious, he did it to keep Dean's secret safe! Go clean up and then please bring me some water and bandages so I can fix his wound."


 "Go!" Zander said firmly, cutting him off, before Roman angrily left the room without saying another word. "Paige, go check on Seth, he needs you." He added gently, she nodded and left.

 "You knew what really happened all along, didn't you?" Jameson asked.

 "I did, yes." Zander replied sighing. "Vamps don't just trip and when I checked him over I realized he was mindlinking." He explained.

 "Will...will he be okay?"

 "Yes, in a couple of days, he'll be back to full power."

 "So, what do we do now?" Jameson asked.

 "The only thing we can do...wait." Zander replied sighing.

 Meanwhile, Dean wasn't aware of anything that was happening with his family, he was back with Vassago. It had been a while since he had done this and was overwhelmed by the intense feelings he was getting from Vassago; this was the strongest they've ever been and it seemed like they got stronger and stronger every time he mindlinks. He listened, as Vassago paced the room, angrily talking to his Raven, he was agitated and he was beginning to become distrustful of everyone in the family; except Keeper. There was another intense emotion he felt that Vassago was trying to keep buried, that he was refusing to let free. Dean has felt this hidden emotion from Vassago before a few times now since started mindlinking with him, but it's never been this strong and he's never been able to tell what it was...until now!

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