He tried again, but I ducked. The third time he attacked, I couldn't save myself, and ended up banging my back against the wall, scrounging on the ground in pain.

"What now, babydoll?" He hovered over me, his hand holding my shoulders, piercing his nails into mine, probably seeking revenge.

"I was thinking about pleasure tonight, but with all this that you have done to me...," he raised his shit a bit to show the nail marks that had blood stains, "there's no pleasure; there's going to be hard core fucking, and you begging me to leave you."

Before I could open my mouth to react, a punch landed right on his chin, knocking him off guard.

My eyes snapped to the right to see Manik punching the hell out of that man, fury in his eyes. Suddenly, the door flew more open and Aryamman and the girls came running behind.

Navya was immediately by my side, making me get up since I couldn't. I had sprained my right foot and it ached, but I couldn't get my eyes off Manik. Fury danced in his eyes as he beat that stranger, making his nose and mouth bleed. Aryamman tried stopping Manik but there was no way he was stopping.

"Manik!" I called, scared. My hands covered my ears to remove the chaos off my system and his punch stopped midway, his face turning to me. All the anger suddenly died, as his eyes softened and I could see right through the vulnerability.

He stopped, walking towards me slowly before his hands touched my arms, and he traced one of the nail marks there as I winced. He removed his coat, making me wear it slowly, and I didn't hesitate or rebel.

Navya left her hand on me as Manik put his hand around me, and I crashed against his chest as he held me secured in his arms. I could feel his warmth touching my bare skin and I tried reminding myself again that I was safe. He was with me now.

Abhi entered the washroom, followed by police officers. I blocked most of the conversation out as I kept hiding behind Manik, and my ears straightened only when I was mentioned.

"Who's the victim?" A police officer asked.

"She's not the victim," Manik said, coming ahead of me, veiling me from them. "She has suffered, but don't term her the victim. If anyone should be the victim, it is him. Make sure he pays for every creepy thought that has crossed his mind. We would be there in the quarters tomorrow to record our statements. And I don't want Nandini to be called the victim. She's the survivor, not a victim. Get that?" Manik hissed. The police officer nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Malhotra," He said before grabbing the man who had tried molesting me and leaving.

"What can I do for you?" Manik asked. I tried drinking away the tears that were threatening to fall off any second.

"I just want to go home," I whispered, my eyes at the ground.

"Home?" Abhi asked, "Do you want me to book us tickets to Mangalore?"

I nodded negatively, still not leaving Manik. "Our home," I whispered before going quiet again.

"Your home?" Mukti asked. "What? Are y'all like a secretly married couple or something?" She tried lightening the atmosphere but nothing happened. The damage was done.

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