"So leave my daughter life. I can never someone like you in my family. Never." Mr Adebiyi finished.

With a shaky voice, Nathaniel said.

"I don't care if you hate me so much but can't you think about your daughter? Do you ever think about what she want? What would make her happy? Do you? You never even ask her what she want. You gave her material things but do you know if she is happy with the life she is living. She loves you and her mother so much. And all she wanted was to please you. But you guys didn't think of what she wants. It took a lot from her to make a decision without you. Do you know how sad and horrible she felt when you and her mother could not attend the wedding and lieing to you? But she have to do what is best for her. She have to think about herself and what will make her happy. And even if you hate to admit that, you know that I am the one she wants to be with. I am the one who makes her happy. And you want to deny her that happiness because you hates me so much."

"Listen young man you have no right to preach to me. You don't know what is best for her. She is my daughter and I know what is really best for my daughter. And that is for her to stay away from a pathetic human like you. You have nothing good to offer her. You are just going to ruin my daughter life. So shut your mouth and stop uttering nonsense." The man answered him angrily. "You know what..." The man stood up and he walked to his desk. He brought out something from the drawer and wrote something on whatever he brought out. Then he walked back to where Nathaniel was sitting.

He threw a cheque at him. Nathaniel picked it up from his leg and looked at it. The man had wrote a cheque of ten million naira.

"Isn't that what you want? Money. Fine, you can have it. You can have the ten million naira. My daughter can't afford to give you that but I can. So I am giving it to you. You can do whatever the hell you like with it. So leave my daughter alone."

Nathaniel stared at the cheque for a long while then he shakes his head. He can't believe how low the man thinks of him.

"If I needed your money I won't have marry your daughter but just exort money from her. Your money can never buy my love for your daughter and that is what you will never understand. You think all poor men are con artists who just need your money. I don't need your money and I am not lacking money. I don't have it all neither do I have as much as you do but I am satisfied with what I have now. I know things would be better soon. And as long as Toun loves me and is with me, I will love her and continue to be her husband." He said surprising the man. Then he tore the cheque  to pieces in front of the man.

The man watched the pieces of paper fell to the ground and he fist his hand into a ball in fury.

"If you really want your daughter to stay away from me, then you should talk to her. Tell her why I can't be her husband, why she have to leave me. And if she decides I am not worthy her anymore then I will gladly give up."

"Talk to my daughter? After you have charm her pervert. You already have her under your influence and now she can't think in her right sense because of you. And you want me to talk to her. Would I invite someone like to sit in my office if I can convince my daughter. You better let go of my child. You think I don't know your plan. You want me to die so that someday you will dupe my daughter of all the money and property in the name of being her husband. Isn't that your goal? But it's never going to happen." He told Nathaniel boldly.

Nathaniel could not understand why the man thinks so low of him and why he thinks he was a bad person. He have tried to convince him that he meant no harm to his daughter neither was he after her wealth. But the man is hell bent on his belief. There was nothing he could do or say to change how the man feels about him. He hates him and there is nothing he can do about it. And that hurt a lot.

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