Nathaniel had surprised her when he gave her that ring the night before their court wedding. She never believed he could buy such a thing for her - not because he was stingy or anything but because he don't have a good job. But he never told her how he got the money to buy it.

Eunice looked beyond shock on seeing the ring. Her face was masked with disbelief and she was perplexed.

"Married? To who? And when? And ... And how did we not know about it?" She asked, perplexed.

"I don't need to say everything. I already told dad and mom about him and they didn't give their consent. I love my man and who cares what they think? And not like you ever care to know either." Toun replied her sister.

A disgusted and disappointed look covers Eunice face and she stared at her sister. She gave Toun that look she dread - that kind of look that was always on her face when they do not agree on something. That look she had inherited from their father. The same look he always have on when he wasn't pleased or very disappointed.

And it hurt Toun to know that her sister hasn't change a bit. And that she was right. Eunice still never cares. 

"Don't tell me it's him? The same guy dad told you to stay away from. That poor miserable church rat."

"Point of correction. My husband is not a poor church rat neither is he someone that you can insult. He worth more to me and I will gladly appreciate it if you give him the respect he deserves."

"Respect?" She scoffed. "Like seriously... Respect." She snided before laughing. "That's bullshit Toun. That man married you without the consent of our parents and you thinks he deserves respect? Did he respect my dad or his decision for him to stay away from you?" Eunice asked.

"He can't stay away because we love each other and dad doesn't understand that."

"Understand what? That you marry someone like that. A no body. That scumbag, pervert with..." 

"Shut up Eunice!" Toun yelled at her sister hitting the table hard, shocking both of them. She hate the way her family thinks so low of Nathaniel and how they can easily disrespect him.

And she won't tolerate that nonsense most especially from her idiotic proud sister who does nothing than to support every single thing their parents says.

"Don't you ever call my husband names. You don't know him, so don't judge him."

"I don't need to know him, I have heard about his worthless life."

"Eunice! Watch your tongue!" Toun warned.

"What? Isn't that the truth? You get married to some nobody and you did it behind dad and mom back. How dare you? How could you? You betray dad's trust in you. You don't even know half of the plans he have for you and here you are saying you are married to a nobody."

Toun was trying so hold back her anger. She was at work and she don't want to ruin her reputation or be the rumor of the week at office because of her blabber mouth sister.

"Listen Eunice, you know nothing and you don't have any right to talk about my husband like that. He is my husband and not yours. You can go ahead and get married to the world richest man. I don't give a damn. But don't you talk about my husband like that ever!"

"I don't think you know what you are saying. That guy have brainwash you. He needs you just for your money." Eunice said angrily and exasperatedly.

"Well, it's my money and not yours. I'm working not depending on my monthly allowance from dad. I'm not some mama's girl like you. And if I decide to spend that money on my man, it's non of your business. He is my man. And no matter who he is, you should respect him. He is half the man that is ever out there or anyone you've ever hang out with and that is the truth." Toun said to her sister.

Unbreakeable Bond #Project Nigeria ☑️ [EDITING] Where stories live. Discover now