eighteen: hospital

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Lexi's POV

"I swear whenever we go to a party you get in a fight." I sighed as I looked at the cut above his eyebrow, ironically in the same place as when he got into a fight at a different party a few months back. 

"I'm sorry." He responded. 

"You have to quit doing this Ethan. We graduate in less than a month, you can't afford to get in trouble for fighting." I shook my head. 

"I know..." He said, looking past me at the bonfire behind us. 

"I'm going to find Grayson." I said, taking the last sip of my drink; my eighth or so drink of the night. I left Ethan standing there and was walking towards the house when I stumbled in the sand but caught my balance. I went inside and squeezed through people. I felt like I had been looking for ten minutes already so I decided to ask someone. I saw Ben, one of Mason's best friends, leaning against a wall, a beer in his hand. He was one of the only jocks who was genuinely nice. 

"Hey Ben." I said over the loud music.

"Hey. What's up?" He looked down at me slightly, smiling. He was around 6'3 or 6'4 and ironically he didn't play basketball. He ran a hand through his messy blond hair. 

"Have you seen Grayson?" I asked him, holding onto the wall as I was feeling a bit dizzy. 

"Yeah, he went upstairs a few minutes ago." He responded, motioning up the staircase behind me. 

"Okay, thanks." I said as was about to turn around when Ben spoke. 

"Are you feeling okay? You don't look so good." He asked, his hand on my shoulder. 

"Uhm, yeah, I think... I think so." I responded, as the room was spinning around me. I turned around before he could say anything more. I started to go up the stairs to find Grayson. We needed to get out of here, before Ethan could get in any more fights and since it was already past one in the morning. I held onto the railing as I went up and saw another living room type area full of people, and lots of doors. 

"Grayson." I called out as I weaved my way through the room. My legs started to feel weak but I just kept walking. 

"Gray." I called and saw an open area in the hall and slowly made my way over. I sat down on the floor, practically fell to the floor, my hand to my head. I looked around and still didn't see Grayson, but there were a lot of rooms up here. My vision got blurry and I reached up, wiping tears away. 

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard a voice above me. 

"I don't know?" I asked, confused, seeing a random girl standing in front of me. 

"Someone find Mason." She said to her friends. 

"Lexi." I heard a familiar voice and was relieved to see Grayson. He knelt down to me. 

"You know her?" The random girl asked him. 

"Yeah, brother's girlfriend." He shortly answered. 

"What's wrong? What happened?"  He asked me. 

"I don't know..." I shook my head as I started to cry more. He put his hand to my forehead. 

"You're burning up. Where's Ethan?" He asked yet another question. 

"He was outside, I told him to stay there. I came to get you so we could go home." I told him. 

"How much did you drink?" He asked. 

"Like eight... nine drinks." I mumbled. 

"Did you eat anything before we came?" He asked and I shook my head. 

"Oh my god. We need to go home." Gray said, standing up. 

"I think she needs to go to the hospital. Look at her." The girl from earlier said. Grayson put his hands out to help me up and I grabbed them, pulling myself up, immediately leaning against the wall. 

"I can't walk..." I managed to slur out. The next thing I knew, Grayson had picked me up and we were going downstairs. I saw Ethan talking to Ben. 

"Ethan. We're leaving." Grayson said sternly as we went towards the front door. 

"Lexi. What's wrong??" Ethan asked worriedly as we went out to Gray's Bronco. 

"She drank too much, Ethan. We're going to the hospital." Gray told his brother. We got in the car, Ethan sitting with me in the backseat. 

"It's okay baby..." he whispered, my head in his lap. 

"Okay..." I responded before everything went dark. 


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