six: pancakes

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Lexi's POV

I connected my phone to the speaker in the kitchen via Bluetooth and pressed shuffle on Mansionz' album and 'STFU' began playing.

"Can we make pancakes?" Ethan asked as he stood in front of the pantry. 

"Yeah." I said, setting my phone down on the counter as Ethan took out the pancake mix. I walked over to the fridge and took out the eggs and milk. I mixed everything together and gave the bowl to Ethan, who was standing in front of the stove, a pan already heating up. 

"What's Gray doing this morning?" I asked, taking out plates and forks, noticing that it was already almost eleven o'clock and we were just now making breakfast. 

"I don't know, probably nothing, why?" Ethan asked, adding another pancake to the already giant stack of pancakes on the plate next to him. 

"He should come over, I mean, I think we *might* have enough pancakes." I said with a wink, referring to the large amount of remaining batter. 

"Okay, you have his number right?" He asked, pouring another pancake onto the hot metal pan. 

"Yeah." I said, picking up my phone. 

To: Grayson
Me: hey do you wanna come over for breakfast? we're having pancakes :)

I locked my phone and set it down on the counter again. 

"Oh my gosh!" Ethan exclaimed. 

"What?" I asked.

"This one's perfect!" He held it up to show me. I went to reach for it but he held it higher in the air. 

"Ethan!" I sighed, standing on my tiptoes, resting a hand on his chest as I reached up, but was still not close enough. 

"Morning." I suddenly heard my dad's voice in the kitchen. I turned to look at him and Ethan put the pancake with the others, our smiles fading.

"Um, dad, this is Ethan." I said.

"Nice to meet you. Call me Eric." My dad said with a straight face, stepping forward as the two shook hands. 

"Nice to meet you." Ethan smiled. 

"Looks like you guys are having fun..." He said in a monotone voice.

"You're going into work on a Saturday?" I asked, changing the subject. 

"Yeah. New clients. New plans. New staff." He said, grabbing an orange and a water bottle from the fridge, before leaving. 

"Well I think he hates me." Ethan said, going back to making pancakes. 

"No he doesn't. If he hated you he would've made you go home. He's just stressed about work and him and my mom are fighting again." I told him, as I leaned against the counter. I heard my phone vibrate, and looked over to see a new text message from Gray. 

Grayson: on my way

"Gray is on his way over." I told Ethan. I looked over to see the last pancake on the pan. I saw a text from Madisyn. 

Madisyn: hey are u busy rn? i need to tell u something!

Me: just come over, were having pancakes for breakfast.

Madisyn: kk, ill be there in a couple 

Me: ok

"And Madisyn is coming." I added, getting out two more plates and two more forks. 

"Geez, we're just having a little party now aren't we?" He laughed.

"Pretty much." I commented, as I heard someone knocking on the front door. I peeked through the glass and recognized that person to be Grayson.

"Hey." I said, holding the door open for him to come in. 

"Hey Lexi." He said, slipping off his shoes and walking into the kitchen. I was about to close the door when I saw Madisyn's car turning onto our street. I stood there waiting for her as a minute or two later, she was parked and getting out. 

"Girl, do I have a story for you." She said, leaning against the now-closed front door to take off her Vans. I walked into the kitchen, Madisyn following me. 

"Hey Madisyn." Ethan said, turning off the stove and putting the pancake batter bowl in the sink. 

"Hey Mads." Grayson smiled. 

"Hi guys." She responded, mainly looking at Grayson. I wonder if they have a thing, but I'll wait to talk about it until it's just Ethan and I. I'm assuming he would probably know. We all sat down at the table and started eating. 

"Oh, hey kids." I heard my mom's voice. 

"Hey second mom!" Madisyn said, causing us all to laugh. 

"Hi daughter number two." My mom laughed. 

"Hey boys!" She smiled at Ethan and Grayson. 

"I thought you were gonna go to the store?" I questioned, before taking a sip of orange juice. 

"Yeah, I'm leaving in a few minutes, I just wanted to make sure I have everything I need on the list." She said, as I noticed the paper in her hand. 

"What did you want to tell me?" I asked Madisyn a few minutes later, after my mom had left. 

"Oh, um... I don't know I forgot." She mumbled, taking a bite of her food. 

"Sure..." I sarcastically said. 

"If I remember I'll tell you." She half smiled. I looked across the table at Ethan and we exchanged a suspecting look. Grayson and Madisyn left after an hour or two and then it was just Ethan and I again. 

"Is there something between Gray and Madisyn?" I blurted as we stood side by side, washing the dishes. 

"I think so. Something must've happened last night at the party." He said, handing me a plate to dry. 

"Don't you think he would've told you though? And wouldn't Madisyn tell me?" I asked, feeling like her and I haven't been as close lately. It's really just been me and E. 

"Hey. You have me. And I'm not leaving anytime soon." He said, almost as if he was reading my mind. But what can I say; best friends know each other. Very well. 

"You better not be." I told him jokingly. 

"Seriously though, Lexi. I'm always gonna be here for you, no matter what." He said, looking at me as the now-empty sink drained. 

"Thank you Ethan Grant. I'll always be here too." I said smiling, as he wrapped his arms around my neck, mine tightly around his torso.

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