two: weird coincidence?

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Lexi's POV

"Uh, yeah of course." I answered.

"Great, I'll send you down to the office right now then to meet him and show him around this period." He said, as I nodded, walking out the classroom door seconds later. I found it odd that Mr. Matthews was just letting me show the new kid around, since we were starting our next project today, but I'm not complaining. I walked down the concrete stairs, my footsteps echoing through the empty halls, until I reached the wooden double doors of the office.

"Hi Lexi, what can I do for you?" Mary, the secretary sitting at the large desk asked me.

"Hi, Matthews send me down here to show someone around the school... a new student." I explained, leaning against the counter of the desk.

 "Ah yes," she nodded looking at the computer, "Ethan!" She called out, and a moment later, a boy walked out from one of the rooms in the far end of the large room. He smiled when he saw me. 

"Ethan, this is Lexi, she's gonna be showing you around this period." Mary introduced me to the attractive boy. 

"Hi Ethan, nice to meet you." I smiled, suddenly feeling a bit shy.

"Nice to meet you too Lexi." He smiled back at me, flashing a captivating smile. 

"I guess you know your way around the office, so let's move onto the rest." I told him as we walked towards the doors. I heard them shut behind us. 

"Maybe we can just turn this school tour into a 'get-to-know-each-other-walk'?" Ethan asked once I'd asked him where he wanted to go first. 

"I like that idea much better." I nodded. 

"Alright. What grade are you in?" He asked me, looking around the hallway we were currently in. 

"I'm a senior, and this year has gone by so unbelievably fast." I sighed. 

"Me too. Except this year has been hell for me so hopefully transferring here was a good idea." He explained as we continued walking. 

"I think you'll fit right in." I commented, thinking how well he'd get along with Mason, Parker, Daniel, James- pretty much all the popular guys. 

"Tell me about yourself." He then said, and we began going up the stairs at the end of the hall. 

"I have a younger brother named Ryan and an older sister named Ellie but we rarely see her. I'm in leadership here which has helped me get to know a lot of people and it's just a really fun class in general. Drawing and playing piano are my favorite things to do if I'm not stuck with hours of homework and... that's honestly my life, it's not that special." I shrugged, leading him to a different hallway. 

"Oh c'mon there has to be more than that Lexi." Ethan said. 

"Nothing more to tell now. What about yourself?" I changed the topic from me to him. 

"Alright. I also have a younger brother whose name is Grayson, and an older sister named Cameron. I used to play football and lacrosse but I haven't since I got a concussion in football. I love travelling. After graduation I just wanna travel the whole world, to see how our country is different from others and to see the sights and taste the food... it's great." He shook his head, almost as if he was in awe of what he just said. 

"That does sound great." I looked at him. 

"Where are you two going?" I suddenly heard a booming voice behind us. We both stopped dead in our tracks and turned around to see our campus security guard Mr. Rowen walking towards us. 

"Who is he?" Ethan whispered at a barely audible level. 

"Security guard. Get on his good side." I saw a worried-looking Ethan through the corner of my eye.

"I'm showing Ethan around, he's new here." I smiled. Ethan reached out his hand to shake our security guard's and just then did I notice how toned he was. I focused my attention back to Rowen. 

"Get back to class." He pointed to the direction of my leadership class before looking at Ethan. "And you come with me. You're not in trouble." He explained, causing a sigh of relief from the boy next to me. 

"I'll see you around." I told Ethan, before walking away. I hope Rowen wasn't lying when he told him he wasn't in trouble, because if he was then it'd be all my fault. I wrapped my fingers around the door handle and pulled the door open. I walked in and sat down at my table next to  Charlotte, one of the sweetest girls in our school. 

"How'd it go?" She asked, putting her pencil down. 

"Good, he's actually a senior." I told her, my eyes travelling to the board to see what we were supposed to be working on. 

Brainstorm a new project idea, come see me if you need help, i'll be in the ASB room. 

"Wow, most seniors don't transfer in the middle of the year. Must've been really important." She commented. 

"Yeah... do you want to work together on a display for the lunchroom? It could use a little more color..." I suggested to Charlotte, trying to concentrate on the project. 

The first three periods of the day went by achingly slow, and finally it was lunchtime. I walked towards the student store, as Madisyn and I talked about, and stood out of the way from the incoming hungry students and waited. 

"Hey you." I heard a male voice behind me and then Ethan appeared in front of me. 

"Hey, how did your first two classes go?" I asked, noticing the words 'New Jersey' on his sweatshirt and a brown paper bag in his hand. 

"Pretty good, I made a couple friends already." He said. 

"Do you wanna eat together?" I asked, motioning to the dozens of table that were somewhat empty and slowly filling up, looking around for my usual lunch group. 

"I'd love to." He nodded and we started to walk through the lunch room. 

"Anyways, who'd you befriend today?" I changed the subject back.

"Parker and James... I don't know their last names." He said quietly, causing me to silently congratulate myself on guessing who he'd be friends with. 

"Are they on the football team? Cause there's a Parker on the soccer team, and a James on the baseball team." I said, hoping to jog his memory. 

"Football." He answered. I saw Madisyn sitting at a table and waiting impatiently, with Charlotte, Nessa, and Tatum who seemed to be having a conversation amongst the three of them.

"Hey." I said to Madisyn when Ethan and I reached the table. I grabbed two chairs from a stack nearby and set my backpack down, sitting between Ethan and Tatum.

"Guys, this is Ethan. Ethan this is Charlotte, Tatum, Madisyn and Nessa." I introduced everyone to each other, and besides Madisyn being a little annoyed, lunch went by in a breeze...

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