Meet and Great

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Nico didn't like meet and greets. Despite that, Hazel found it wildly amusing to drag him alone to one of her favourite blonde pop singer's meet and greet because she knew Nico wouldn't deny her extreme pleading, and how 'he's the best singer in the world, Nico, pleeeease' and the fact that she had two tickets to see him. Nico didn't know he had to attend his concert, too. If he had, he wouldn't have gone no matter what Hazel said. It was pretty hard to deny even after they to there, since Piper and Annabeth bought tickets too and decided to tag along and when those two are around, you tend to be terrified.

So, when they did get there, Nico excused himself before the singer, Wally Shoelace or something, got on stage. he somehow managed to find an empty spot outside the venue, where he quietly scrolled through various websites and social medias, replying with short and vague answers to Hazel's texts.

It took about half an hour for the singer to arrive, and Nico realised this by the roar of fans all screaming at the top of their lungs for this guy- who's name was actually Will Solace- who started singing soon after.

Yeah, he had good songs. Nico wouldn't admit it in front of Hazel, but his songs did have meaning behind them, each telling a story of a different person. It was different, really.

Then, Nico eventually went back. The concert had ended and Hazel was waiting for Nico.

"Where were you?" Hazel almost shouted, "The meet and greet started half an hour ago. We're the last ones!"

Nico smirked, "I'm surprised you asked where I was, because you forgot me immediately after Will came on,"

Hazel blushed, while glaring at Nico, "Nico!"

"What?" He ridiculed, "Alright,, alright. Where're the others?"

"Piper and Annabeth left early," She told him, "We need to go to the meet and greet, though. You coming?"

Nico felt bad for leaving her in there the whole concert, so he reluctantly agreed and got into the massive line with her. His whole expression must've dropped because Hazel laughed.

"I know," she nodded at the long queue, "This is why you should've stayed put,"

Nico rolled his eyes and they got into the line, the last two, just as Hazel had said.

They must've stood there for at least two hours. Nico went to the bathroom, and then got back, while Hazel complained that there was too long of a queue in the girls toilet for her to go. Eventually, when there were only a few people in front of them, Hazel decided her bladder was about to explode.

"I bet the queue is shorter now," she was met with an incredulous expression from Nico, "Whatever. Ill be right back,"

Nico was too tired to stop her. His legs ached from standing this long and for some reason, the girls in the front thought the same thing. They finished their meet and greet with Will Solace way faster than any of the others had.

Nico definitely did not want to face Will Solace alone. Hazel, however, was nowhere in sight. He didn't even have anything for him to sign on. Unfortunately, the queue ended and he was met by a bodyguard.

"Alright, no kissing, groping or assaulting allowed," He squinted at Nico, even though he was sure that the bodyguard hadn't done this so fiercly to any of the girls. Nico nodded anyway.

"Actually, my sister-"

"Kid, we dont have much time,"

"Fine, jeez" Nico glared at the bodyguard and turned to the meet and greet table, where Will Solace was standing, stretching his limbs out.

Nico was speechless for a moment. Will may have been a little sweaty and worn out from the whole meet and greet but he was gorgeous. His blonde locks fell slightly in his eyes, his tanned golden skin shone in the spotlights and flashes around him, and his pink lips were stretched into an extravagant smile despite how long he had been dealing ith fans.

"Uh, hi," Nico mumbled awkwardly. Will turned to look at him, and then after a moment, smiled even brighter than before.

"Hey," Will's voice was beautiful, too. Nico shook his head inwardly, "Its nice to meet you. I don't see a lot of male fans, you know,"

Nico walked up to him, "Uh, about that. My sister actually is in the bathroom, and she really wanted to see you so I should probably just get a sign,"

"Ah," Will nodded, but he seemed slightly disappointed, "I see. Alright, can I get a paper for the sign?"

Nico fumbled with his pockets, but found no paper. Instead, he found a ketchup packet he had gotten from McDonalds the night before. Nico blushed as Will scratched the back of his neck.

"Okay, so you need a signature but you only have a ketchup sachet for me.. uh," Will smiled awkwardly and Nico wanted to disappear, "Okay, how abut this: we go backstage and I ask Roger, my bodyguard to bring your sister there? You guys are the last ones anyway,"

Nico thought about it, and then nodded, knowing what this meant for Hazel. And also the fact that he would get time with hot ass Will Solace. Will's boduguard started escorting them backstage, and then to Will's dressing room. Nico had sent a quick text to Hazel, which was replied by a text scream.

"Sorry," Will gestured for Nico to sit, "It's not much,"

Nico glanced at the dressing room, which had amazing interior, "No, no. It's... nice,"

Will laughed and took the ketchup packet from Nico, scribbling a quick signature on it, "This is for you,"

Then, Will took out another piece of paper, "And this is for your sister,"

Nico stared at the packet. It had his sign and a winky face. Smiling, Nico pocketed it and then took the signed paper for his sister.

"My sister adores you. I never really heard your music before today. I Like it," Nico admitted, making Will's eyes light up.

"Thats cool," Will smiled, "Tell me something about you. For instance, your favourite colour,"

Nico glanced at his all back clothes, wondering why Will hadn't thought it was black, "Well, its silver. I'm surprised you didn't think it was black,"

"Well, I know better than to judge a book by its cover," Will said.

Nico blushed, and then fell into an simple conversation with him. It was easy to talk to the singer, despite how famous he was. Admittedly, Nico had been expecting someone hard headed.

Hazel came to the dressing room a few minutes later, managing to keep her cool. Will was really sweet to her, which made Nico appreciative. He admired manners.

At the end of the night, Nico knew that Will Solace was no longer just a pop singer who thousands of girls loved for his looks (he really was pretty hot, though).

Word Count: 1126 

Credits to/where to find: peachyrush on tumblr

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