Will "Freaked Out" Solace

647 21 7

Will: ba dum dum 

Will: spying on the Romans 

Will: a casual day in warfare 

Will: we're in our black stakeout clothes 

Will: so badass

Nico: *appears* 


Will: oHMyGod 

Will: it's him 

Will: he's here

Will: this is great 

Will: oh shit 

Will: what do I do 

Will: what do I say 

Will: he's right here I can't let this golden opportunity slip out of my fingers 

Will: I need to say something 

Will: "Nico!" 

Will: nice 

Will: okay now we are talking 

Will: good start, good start 

Will: but his hands 

Will: I want to touch his hands 

Will: "I just delivered a baby satyr." 

Will: okay yes go on 

Will: "My hands are shaking." 

Will: good, good

Will: "Feel them now." 

Will: Will Solace, you love machine. 

Will: what a great day 

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