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Why Will Solance Is The Fandom: 

Other Characters: *gets hit by bus* 

Other Characters: *falls off a cliff* 

Other Characters: *gets impaled* 

Will: Gee that sucks. What a shame. Don't worry it will be ok, here is some nectar and ambrosia go and rest. It's not that bad. 

Nico: *gets a splinter* 

Will: Oh my SCHIST NICO MY BABY ARE YOU OKAY who told you to sit at an unsanded table HOW DANGEROUS I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU DOING SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN go and sit in the hospital wing for three days DOCTOR'S ORDERS this is bad EMERGENCY EMERGENCY. 


A Doctor's Confession: 

Will: Nico, you... 

Nico: I? 

Will: Umm... you... 

Nico: I what? 

Will: *nervous af* You make my heart have premature ventricular contractions! 


Annabeth: *from the distance* He means you make his heart skip a beat. 


Double Date: 

Jason: Hey Nico, wanna third wheel on my date with Piper tomorrow? 

Nico: I guess... 

Jason: Will! Wanna third wheel on my date with Piper? 

Will: That sounds cool! 

Jason: Great! I have always wanted to go on a double date! 

Will: .....what? 

Nico: I can't breathe 


Whats Your Type? : 

The 7: *Sitting around Nico at the Hades Table* 

Percy: So Nico, you know we all just want to see you happy, and since I am apparently not your type, which is totally unbeli-

Jason: So what is your type then? 

Nico: Umm... I like blonde hair... 

The 7: *turning their heads to stare at Jason* 

Nico: ...blue eyes.... 

The 7: *widening eyes while staring at Jason* 

Jason: Like m- 

Nico: No 


Smooth Will 

Will: Let's make up nicknames for each other! 

Nico: Ok. 

Will: How does, boyfriend, sound? 


Credits: To my beautiful Pintrest 

Solangelo Headcanons and StuffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang