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Will and Nico lived together, Will was a teacher at a high school, Nico owned a club, and they were out of eggs. Will's class started to come in through the door when Nico called about the lack of eggs. His whole class was now seated and heard a one-sided conversation. "It's not that hard! Just go to the store and buy the eggs!" A pause,"It doesn't matter if they're white or brown!" Another pause along with Will rolling his eyes,"I'm not gonna pick them up, you can, you don't start working until 9 pm. Love you-" Some of the kids were trying to hide giggles, after about a half hour of class the door flung open revealing a very tired, angry, covered in black clothing, Son of Hades holding a carton of eggs. he stomped into the classroom and slammed the eggs down on Will's desk,"I had to convince an old lady that I was her son to get these!" And with that, he left. Will's mouth was wide open,"I-sorry class I didn't - er- NICOOO!!!!!"

Credits to: Percy_Posts IG

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