Camp Meeting

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There was a camp counselor meeting at Camp Half-Blood. They were discussing battle plans and it was supposed to be from 8 pm to 11 pm but ended up running an hour late. There were presentations being projected onto the wall. The Stoll brothers, Will and Nico were sitting on the couch. Other demigods sat around them on the floor or leaning against the wall. Nico ended up falling asleep on Will's shoulder during the 5th presentation. Nico snuggled his head into the crook of Will's neck. The Son of Apollo just smiled, Nico never showed affection or let anyone touch him except Hazel. So when Nico fell asleep on Will, it made him come to the conclusion that Nico trusted him, that he felt safe, otherwise, he wouldn't have allowed himself to fall asleep. Will looked around the room, other demigods started to fall asleep too, he wouldn't be surprised if everyone just spent the night in the big house. Will made eye contact with Jason who smiled at him when he saw Nico curled against his body. Will started to feel his eyes closing and took one last look at the Son of Hades before drifting off into sleep too. 

Credits to Percy_Posts IG

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